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Roberta is an Acara diplomat of Brightvale, and niece of King Hagan. Wished to break from the life of a diplomat and be a sorceress, and with the help of her teacher has been secretly learning the arts.

During the events of Neopets: The Darkest Faerie, Roberta traveled to Faerieland with her teacher upon (need name of the Uni), asking for counsel and help for the dark purple clouds which have engulfed Meridell. During her stay, she was given a special tailsman from Jerdana for helping getting her Harris out of a tree. Not long after, The Darkest Faerie attacked and imprisoned both Fyora and Jerdana. Freeing Jerdana, Roberta was told to escape to Meridell, and find another who had the amulet Roberta now wore. Roberta's escape was cut short when The Darkest Faerie tainted (need name of the Uni) with her magic, and Roberta fell into the waters below.

After falling into the waters, she met up with Tormund, who had the amulets twin. Together, they set out to reverse the evil The Darkest Faerie had cast over the lands of Meridell.