Treasure Maps

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Welcome to the treasure hunt! Hidden around Neopets are nine pieces of a map that lead to riches! When you see a part of the map, come to this page and you can see your progress. When the map is completed, you will be able to collect your prize!

Each actual map piece is an item, and this means that it can be stolen, traded, sold, auctioned, disintegrated, and so on... so be very careful!

Original Map




Finishing the Secret Laboratory Map will give you access to the Secret Laboratory, which is run by the Lab Ray Scientist. He can zap your Neopet with his Lab Ray once per day, which randomly (and permenantly) changes the following proporties:

  • Raises/Lowers Neopets stats (level, hit points, strength, etc.)
  • Changes the gender of your Neopet
  • Changes the species/colour of you neopet (one or the other and sometimes both)



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