Fountain Faerie

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The Fountain Faerie as seen in the Rainbow Fountain Card NeoDeck image.

The Fountain Faerie is a Water Faerie who runs the Rainbow Fountain found in Faerieland. She is sometimes unofficially referred to as the Rainbow Faerie because of her affiliation with the Rainbow Fountain. It is rare to get a quest from her. If you complete the quest, you will gt to paint your pet any color such as Darigan or faerie. (You will not be able to paint all your pets, only one. Don't worry how exspenciv the price of the item is, its worth it. (Unless its more exspencive then the painbrush you wish to have)

Fountain Faerie vs. Uber Water Faerie

The Fountain Faerie as seen in a Faerie Quest...
...And the Water Faerie.

Due to the Fountain Faerie's appearance in the Faerie Quests, she is often confused with the Uber Water Faerie quests, with users expecting to receive prizes from the Fountain Faerie when completing a Uber Water Faerie quest, and vice versa. The following differences have been collected for users to tell the difference between the faeries and their quests...

Fountain Faerie Uber Water Faerie
Appearance Blue streaks in her hair, blue make-up, and is sitting on her tail. Draped in pearls and surrounded with bubbles.
Quest Asks for almost any item of any item type, with the item rarity always between 94 - 96 Only asks for books with a rarity under 69.
Reward Allows the user one use of the Rainbow Fountain Increases a random Neopet's defence by two points (may be random)


  • As of August 2007, The Fountain Faerie is featured in 3 different items.
  • How to Draw tutorial for the Fountain Faerie was released on September 20, 2007.

External links

Air Faeries Dark Faeries Earth Faeries
Briana · Casandia · Psellia · Zaira Ariadne · Dark Faerie Sisters · Delina · Drakara · Jhudora · The Darkest Faerie Ilere · Illusen · Iyana
Fire Faeries Light Faeries Water Faeries
Bree · Eithne · Ember · Nuria Siyana Marina · Naia · Nereid · The Drenched
Other Faeries
Aethia · Dung Faerie · Fyora · Grey Faerie · Jhuidah · Kari · Library Faerie · Mira · Soup Faerie · Tooth Faerie · Taelia · The Three · Valeane