Giant Omelette

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Revision as of 17:48, 16 March 2006 by Jacob (talk | contribs)
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In Tyrannia, there is a giant egg which provides Omelletes for all the inhabitants. Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, a dinosaur of GIGANTIC proportions laid this massive egg. The egg split open, and started to bake in the sun. Ever since then, a giant omelette has been cooking on the Tyrannian Plateau. It may seem silly, but it is true.

The inhabitants of Tyrannia flock to the omelette whenever they need a bite to eat, and most of them even bring their own ingredients, such as peppers, sausages and tomatoes. Whenever the omelette is fully eaten, sure enough, a new egg will appear somewhere on the plateau the next night so that the inhabitants of Tyrannia need never go hungry.

When your Neopet takes a bite out of the omellette there will be 2/3 of an omelette left, another big chomp and there will be 1/3, nibble the last bit and it's all gone. Some types of omelette are rarer than others.

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