Cap'n Threelegs

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Cap'n Threelegs is a Pirate Eyrie who trains Neopets at the Swashbuckling Academy. He served along with Admiral Kyrwinne aboard the S.S. Peophintine. He lost his leg during a fight with a monstrous Krawk but according to the residents of Krawk Island, this was just another one of the Eyrie's tall tales. After a decade swashbuckling on the high seas, he settled down in the Academy to pass his wisdom onto others.


Argg, shiftless waisters! Either shape up or I'll have ye walkin' the plank!
Greetings to ya one and all. Pull up a keg of Neocola, and set a-spell.
I be the finest swordsman in this whole island!
For the more expensive dubloons, use the Dubloon-O-Matic
Me courses can last a while, but arrr, they are worth it!
Aye, I could murder a Hot Dog right now!

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