Category talk:Characters

From NeoDex
Revision as of 16:10, 26 June 2006 by Jacob (talk | contribs) (removed vandal, added template discussion)
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The Character Template

Below is the template all characters should currently have. Note that sections should only be filled in if there is data to do so.--Jacob 11:10, 26 Jun 2006 (CDT)

(image here and on the right)

(quick overview of character)

==Plot Summaries==
===Title of plot===
(link to main article and summary of this charaters participation)

{| align=right border=1
| Difficulty || ?
| Starting HP || ?
| HP gain per win || ?
| Weapon Steal || (stolen weapon)
| Location || where they are found
(Battledome information here)

'''During Fight'''


'''After Win'''








*(Trivia goes here)

==External Links==
*(Links go here)

(Categories go here)

Template Revisions

If you think a revision to the template is needed, discuss the changes here.--Jacob 11:10, 26 Jun 2006 (CDT)