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Isca is a Maraquan Aisha created on February 25, 2005 with the release on the Curse of Maraqua expansion in the Neopets TCG, and introduced to Neopets itself on March 15, 2006.


Isca is capable of seeing the future in her dreams, a power she shares with her twin sister Caylis, who sees the future in her nightmares. A friend of Garin, who she first met when they were both children, and met again years later during the events of Curse of Maraqua. Isca owns a giant Goldy named Goregas which she had since childhood, and can call to it when in trouble.

Plot summary

Curse of Maraqua

Main Article: Curse of Maraqua

Isca and her sister Caylis were living in Maraqua at the time of its destruction. After the whirlpool ended, King Kelpbeard found them in hiding and took them to the refugee camp. Isca began to have prophetic dreams, as did her sister Caylis in the form of nightmares. Isca's dreams helped the King prepare for the events which were to come, but Caylis' dreams always predicted disaster, giving her a reputation that she was behind the catastrophes. Caylis was banished from New Maraqua, while Isca was appointed to the palace.

While visiting the surface (against King Kelpbeard's orders), she saw Garin hanging off a cliff. She began to dream of him and how essential he would be to continue New Maraqua's prosperity. Years later when Garin lost The Black Pawkeet to Captain Scarblade, Isca was able to save him from drowning by giving him a magical necklace after being awoken from a dream. She then took him to New Maraqua to keep him safe and tried to convince him to give up the life of a pirate, to which he refused. Realizing he couldn't stay in New Maraqua, she lead him safely to the surface. As Garin swam off, Caylis appeared, who scorned Isca for having people to care for her and the luxury she had in New Maraqua due to her gift, which only brought pain to Caylis. They parted ways, and Isca went back to Maraqua with a heavy heart.

Later, Isca dreams of The Revenge attacking New Maraqua, and of Jacques who is kidnapped by The Drenched. Seeking Garin out in order to help her stop Captain Scarblade, they set out to the ocean to free Jacques with the aid of Goregas whom she calls. While Garin distracted The Drenched, Isca freed Jacques, and while they fought to escape The Chasm Beast arrived (which Isca mistook for Goregas at first). While The Drenched were occupied with The Chasm Beast, Garin and Jacques returned to the surface while Isca returned to New Maraqua, saying they were needed for the coming conflict. Upon her return to the city, King Kelpbeard forced her to stay in her room for the safety of the city, as her dreams were to valuable to lose.

When Garin swam to New Maraqua to warn King Kelpbeard of Captain Scarblade, he was captured, and upon finding out is was Isca who lead him to the city, he had her banished with Caylis. Soon after, The Revenge attacks New Maraqua, and Isca tries to enlist the help of Caylis to stop them, only to have her refuse due to them both being banished. Garin (who escaped earlier) arrives, and they begin to create a plan when Goregas and Garin's crew arrive. Isca charges into the battle with the rest while Jacques and Caylis seek reinforcements, and during the battle Isca is stunned by the magic Caylis is capable of casting.

After the battle is won, Isca is welcomed back into New Maraqua, to which Isca would only allow if Caylis was welcomed as well. Caylis refuses, saying she didn't belong in the city. As Garin was about to leave with his pirate crew, Isca tried to convince him one more time to stay and live in luxury, to which Garin refused, having Isca call him "incorrigible".


  • As of March 2, 2007, Isca is featured in 20 different items.
  • In Isca's Neopedia article released on (need date), it said her age was 17, which may not be her current age today.
  • While Isca says she can tell the future, the events of the Curse of Maraqua would never had occured if she hadn't helped Garin, showing she has the power cause bad events to occur with her meddling.

External links

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