
From NeoDex
Revision as of 22:46, 5 September 2006 by Jacob (talk | contribs) (added silly text to spice it up a little)
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Welcome to the Sandbox, a Wiki namespace page designed for testing and experimenting with Wiki syntax. Feel free to try your skills at formatting here: click the 'Edit' tab on the top, make your changes, and click 'Save page' when you are finished. Content added here will not stay permanently. Do not spam, vandalize or place advertisments on this page. If you do, the Bringer of Night shall pounce on you with massive fury, and force you to help him bake a cake. :P

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The Bringer of Night swats at a fly!

In the time before time, there was a man, two men, a very big man and a monkey, all together fighting for what is right. no matter what the cost, they would get their taco bell. A taco buritto of a tasty nature, one which would not burn their mouths.

Kanrik is thankful he doesn't need to fight the Bringer of Night Anymore!

This summer, see the battle that should have been fought fairly, but was rigged from the start. He was an honest man making an honest wage, getting by in a wretched world, when they suddenly took it all away. Now he's getting it back. He must return to the arcade and face off against his fear, and finally defeat "The Legend of MAX" at DDR Extreme, and this time not trip over his feet.

Harry Mutant Moehog.gif Be sure to use proper spelling
in whatever you type. the writer
in you demands it! ;)
The 3 Musketeers! that spelled right? :o
Feeling gray... korbat_plushie_baby.gif

Where is the rewind button when you need it in the middle of a video game? Seriously, there are many a times i want to rewind and do over, because i was playing perfectly up until ONE moment, and then it just went...wrong. And i had to do everything over again. don't like that at all. Give me the Prince of Persia's "Sand's of Time"...will be throwing that around a lot, you can count on it.

<html> Will this work> </html>