Neopet (species)

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Revision as of 01:08, 15 November 2006 by Dolphinling (talk | contribs) (Add section on hunger (unsure on some bits, check the talk page))
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A Neopet is virtual pet users raise and play with on Neopets. There are many different Neopets, and come in many shapes, sizes, and species, but they are all considered Neopets. As of October 6 2024, there are currently 54 different species.

Neopet Care

For a user to care for a Neopet, they must make sure they are fed and happy.


A Neopets mood, being happy or sad, is changed by user actions around the website. There are seven levels of happiness, from least to most happy:

  • unhappy
  • content
  • happy
  • cheerful
  • extremely happy
  • joyful
  • delighted!

There are numerous ways to change a Neopets happiness, such as playing with a toy, grooming them, riding the Roo Island Merry Go Round or eating a Happy Negg. A Neopet's happiness is lowered should a user view the Quick Reference page while their Neopet is sick.

The only known effect of happiness occurs from a rare random event when a user's Neopet is unhappy. Should the Neopet be unhappy when it occurs, its color turns to Blue if really sad, or Red if angry.

While a Neopet's happiness doesn't effect gameplay and doesn't need to be changed, it's generally considered mean not to keep a Neopet happy.


Neopets gradually become hungry, and must be fed to become full again. Neopets can be any of the following levels of fullness:

  • dying
  • starving
  • famished
  • very hungry
  • hungry
  • not hungry
  • fine
  • satiated
  • very full
  • bloated

Pets can be fed with any food item. Grarrls, Skeiths, and Jetsams will also eat non-food items. Alternatively, the soup kitchen will feed pets whose owners have under 3000 NP, and the Healing Springs will sometimes make your active pet bloated. An Earth Faerie Quest will also make a random pet bloated.

Pets who are hungry (or not hungry, if it shows up red) cannot fight in the battledome.

Neopet Lookup

Besides the species and colour of the Neopet, there are many other characteristics which can show the difference between each of them. Among all the statistics a Neopet can have, there are also those which can be raised in the Training School for use in the Battledome. Outside of the Battledome, these stats don't have much use, but as of late The Neopets Team have implemented a few of them into puzzle plots.



Told in days and hours.


Shows the level of the Neopet.


Displays the username of the Neopets owner along with the name associated with the username.


Shows the gender of the Neopet.


Shows the height of the neopet in centimeters (cm).


Shows the weight of the Neopet in pounds (lbs.).

Hit Points

shows the hit point value of the Neopet.


Shows the strength.


shows the defense.


shows the movement, or speed of the neopet.


shows the intelligence.

Fishing Skill

shows the fishing skill of the Neopet, used and raised in Underwater Fishing.

Employment Agency

Shows the number of jobs completed, failed and the rank of the Neopet in the game Employment Agency.

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  • A user's Neopet would send its user an e-mail wishing them a happy birthday when the time came after January 27, 2000.
  • Level 181 is the minimum level a Neopet must have to receive the rank "Too High to Count".

External Links