Originating from Mystery Island, this Neopet's energetic nature combined with its large paws and pointy teeth make it a natural in the Battledome. These cheeky buggers love to pounce on unsuspecting playmates, so if you plan to introduce this Neopet to your family and friends, make sure that its playmates do not confuse the Kougra's playfulness for aggression.
The Kougra seems to have been modelled off of the tiger, with slight modifications to make it more appealing. These modifications include giving the Kougra large eyes and big paws, both of which are associated with youth, along with toning down the teeth and muscles that make natural tigers so intimidating. The Kougra also has notches in its ears and tufts in its fur, adding to the illusion of playfulness and spontaneity.
- As of 31 May 2006, the Kougra is the second most popular Neopet (ranking just below the Shoyru) with 5.93% of all pets belonging to this species.
- The Spotted Kougra looks like a leopard.
See Also
- Famous Kougra: Bertie Shurtz, Jake, Linae
- Games: NeoQuest, Caves and Corridors: Mystery Island, Gadgadsgame, Kou-Jong