Hovri Sweet

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Hovri Sweet is a Red Grarrl and Yooyuball commentator at the Altador Cup. Hovri once lived as a streed wanderer and in poverty. The day he met Tobias Sigmir, he was very hungry but asked for a NeoPoint so he could watch the Yooyuball match. Sweet has a deep passion for Yooyuball as it is his "dream". On the other hand, Sigmir only saw Yooyuball as a dull sport and a backdoor to commentating Gormball. Sigmir explained Sweet that Yooyuball was free and invited him to join him in the commentator's box and educated him as his pupil.

All the training and profit in the world can't replace a heartfelt passion for the game, after all. Nowadays, of course, both Tobias and Hovri hold degrees in journalism and have collected many awards for their work on Yooyuball reporting. But they never forget to eat hot dogs together during their first game each year. 


  • On the 24th of June 2014, Hovri and his colleague Tobias Sigmir received the honor of a Neopedia article.
  • Sweet his favorite Yooyu is the Mutant yooyu.