User talk:JhJe

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Revision as of 10:32, 23 October 2006 by JhJe (talk | contribs)
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The Daily Neopets Staff

i'm hesitant in your actions to create individual pages of all the daily Neopets staff, and think it should all be on the one article for now, or one whole article, such as the PinkPT Staff article. However, if you DO do this, please do it with the permission of the owner of said website, and if this is wanted by him/her. --Jacob 21:55, 15 Oct 2006 (CDT)

Oh...sorry then... --JhJe 02:56, 16 Oct 2006

It's really okay. A list of staff members (all on one page like the pinkpt one) is as far as i know not a bad thing. just be sure to let the creator and maintainer of such a list of the daily neopets to know it's being created, to keep it up to date and factual. ;) --Jacob 22:13, 15 Oct 2006 (CDT)

How??? --JhJe , 18:32, 23 Oct 2006