Meepit vs. Feepit

From NeoDex
Revision as of 02:47, 16 October 2006 by Jacob (talk | contribs) (updated, and tried something new with the "stats" thing...wondering if this should be official, or have something more formal looking)
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Release date needed
  • World: Neopia Central
  • Game Type: Action
  • NP Ratio: 25 NP per 100 pts scored

Meepit vs. Feepit is an action game released on (need date) placing the user in the role of a Feepit against the Meepits. The user moves the Feepit with the arrow keys and Z, X and C to punch, kick and block. These button configurations can be changed in the option menu (before gameplay and in-game). The user progresses through a total of 5 stages, beating each progressively more difficult Meepit in a total of 2 matches before advancing. Game ends when the user defeats all 5 Meepits or is defeated twice by one of them.

There is also a 2-Player mode where a second player can play against the user on the same keyboard, using the number pad to move and 7, 9, and 5 to punch, kick and block (which can also be change in the options menu). The 2-Player controls the Meepit, and tries to defeat 1-Player. No Neopoints are rewarded for this, and is used just for fun.


  • The Feepit users control weighes 2.75 pounds and is making his debut in the ring, while the Meepit (persumably the first 1-Player challenger) weighs 2.5 pounds and is the undefeated reigning NFA Meepit vs. Feepit champion with 15 fights, all of which were knockouts.

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