Old Stuffs
This shows a Red Cybunny. A very old Cybunny. The new one is right.
The old one has the old Lupe and Techo.
The old one has the old Wocky.
These are furbies. Like the real toy Furby. It turned to Fuzzles (probably) now.
These are N and Ns. Like the real chocolate candy M&Ms. It turned to Neodrops now.
This is a Horse Model. It turns to Uni Model now.
This is a Scratching Post. I do not know what it turns to.
It's a Neorona but not called it!!!
Faerie Huggy and Stego.
Robot Rock (Called the Pet Rock), Geb, Puppyblew and Greeble.
Green Buzzer.
This is the Split Nuranna. It was not in the Petpet Puddle but some of the unreleased pets are putted to the Petpet Puddle like the 2 missing Felly colors and the 3 missing Darigan petpets.
Old Petpages
Changed Names
Warf is used to be called Doggy and Buzzer's first name was Buggy.
The first ones have the y in the end
- Snorkle - Piggy
- Fungree - Funny
- Flishy (called it Mongmong) - Jetsy
- Greeble - Froggy
- Cobrall - Snaky
- Tigermouse - Tigermousey
- Puppyblew - Blew
- Spyder - Spydee
- Triffin - Dusty
- Uniocto - Unisquid
- Beekadoodle - Birdy
- Foobug - Phubug