The Neopets Team

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TNT circa January 2011.
Jubjub red sad.gif This page is under construction
Plot summaries to be completed.

The Neopets Team, or TNT, are the staff members employed to work on the Neopets website. The term includes all the creative, programming and support staff, as well as the site monitors and localisation teams.

Official Neomail messages and Neoboard posts come from the official Neopets user account, theneopetsteam, identifiable by their unique exploding TNT avatar. Individual staff members have their own work accounts for testing things, separate to their private accounts they can play with. Staff work accounts have a tag on the bottom of their user lookup identifying their position - monitor, lawyer, writer, and so on. Other accounts are set up by TNT for specific, automated tasks, like creating Auctions.

Plot summaries


Main article: Sacrificers

The Neopets Team journeyed to the newly-discovered Mystery Island where they became part of an elimination-survival game, with each week a member being sacrificed to Mumbo Pango, a god of the native Coconut People, until only one remained - Donna.

Ski Lodge Murder Mystery

Main article: Ski Lodge Murder Mystery

The Neopets Team, on holiday in Terror Mountain, were trapped in the old Ski Lodge by a freak snowstorm. Unable to leave the mansion, one by one the staff members were picked off by a mysterious murderer in their midst until only the murderer and one last staff member survived: Maverick and Beader respectively. Before Maverick could come after Beader, she trapped him in a cage. Before the police could arrest him, he exploded, for he was a robotic replica made by a mysterious villain, possibly Dr Sloth.

Altador Cup 2006

Main article: Altador Cup 2006 be added...


Main article: Neocam

The Neocam gaves users a look into The Neopets Team's headquarters, where they worked to keep Neopets running. The webcam was on 24/7, capturing a new picture every minute. Some images were saved for future enjoyment. Sadly, the Neocam has broken and is not used any more.


  • On January 14, 2000, The Neopets Team turned into Pokémon
  • On January 18, 2000, an admin power was added to the website, which allowed The Neopets Team to give items to users.
  • One of the test accounts, paganmachine, is the Portuguese NeoBoard moderator.

See also

The Neopets Team

Bancha Ninja · Black Widow · Bubbles · Bye-Gon Jinx · Cookie · Comastar · Cupcake · Dirigibles · Doug Hill · Dragona · Droplet · El Picklesaur · Jimmy James · Lawyerbot · LornaDesparow · Mister Shankly · Mr. Roboto · Mr. Insane · Pie · Scarlet O'Lara · Snot · Socktastic · Story Sabatino . Twitterpate · Undutchable · Rik Kinney · SeñorMalo . snarkie · Viola · ZiggyTron


Adam Powell · Donna Williams · Doug Dohring · Snowflake · TPOSG

External links