Water Faerie

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Revision as of 16:04, 28 August 2006 by Macbeth (talk | contribs)
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Swimming in the rivers and streams, unseen by most, are the Water Faeries. They can be heard singing quietly at night, but only if they aren't aware that you are near. They specialise in healing and defensive powers that will protect your pet from harm.

Water Faeries are seaworthy creatures, incapable of flight yet swim faster than most Faeries can fly. They are hungry for knowledge.

Uber Water Faeries will sometimes give you a Faerie Quest, asking you to bring them a book. If you complete it she will raise your defence.

See Also

External Links

Air Faeries Dark Faeries Earth Faeries
Briana · Casandia · Psellia · Zaira Ariadne · Dark Faerie Sisters · Delina · Drakara · Jhudora · The Darkest Faerie Ilere · Illusen · Iyana
Fire Faeries Light Faeries Water Faeries
Bree · Eithne · Ember · Nuria Siyana Marina · Naia · Nereid · The Drenched
Other Faeries
Aethia · Dung Faerie · Fyora · Grey Faerie · Jhuidah · Kari · Library Faerie · Mira · Soup Faerie · Tooth Faerie · Taelia · The Three · Valeane