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Sacrificers was a plot revolving are members of The Neopets Team, who were being sacrificed one by one Mumbo Pango until a single member remained. Began August 18, 2000 and ended November 10, 2000.

Plot Summary

Monster Boy: Stabbed through head

Styrofoam bob: Unknown. Possibly beaten. The Tiki Tack man is shown to give him a ride, but SB was still captured.

Cookie was the third victim to be sacrificed to Mumbo Pango, and was dropped off near a cliff where he chased and pushed her off to he death.

Zurvix: Poison gas.

Paper Dragon: Burned at stake.

Number 6: Drowned (we assume - Adam evidently wrote this, and Number Six floats down the river strapped to a wooden circle and off a waterfall; however he is not fixed to be 'dead')

Mr. Plaid: Incinerated

Electric Blue Monkey was the 8th victim to be sacrificed to Mumbo Pango after trying to leave the island by boat. The boat disappeared under him as he jumped in, and he was chased down by a crocodile which was Mumbo Pango in disguise. Electric Blue Monkey was chased off the screen and screamed when Mumbo Pango caught up to him, either eaten of drowned (because of a bubbling sound of Electric Blue Monkey believed to be sinking in the water).

Dr. Monroe: Fed on by poisonous insects

Bye-Gon Jinx: Speared in lightsaber fight. He knocked Mango Pango against a lightbulb, and when the lights were out, was speared.

Mr. Roboto: Burned when struck by lightning.

Tiger Catcher: Was crushed by boulder.

In the end, Pop Tart was the only Staff Member left.

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