Haunted Woods

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The Haunted Woods.

The Haunted Woods is a spooky Halloween themed land that was introduced on October 31, 2000. These scary, dark, and foggy woods are home to all manner of ghosts, witches, and monsters. Located 175 miles south west of Neopia Central, the Haunted Woods cover 24,000 square miles.

Thanks guys, I just about lost it lokonig for this.


Main article: Team Haunted Woods

Ever since winning the championship in 2006, the Haunted Woods' Yooyuball team has been in a steep decline, placing lower and lower every year. Though they are a talented, defense-oriented squad, the team lacks the offensive power to consistently win games.


  • The Haunted Woods was one of the candidates for the Best Place to Live category during the 2008 Neopies.
  • The Dark Lurker avatar, released on October 29, 2010, can be randomly obtained by buying any item from any shop in either the Haunted Woods, Deserted Fairground, or Neovia.

See also

External links