The Cyodrake's Gaze

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Revision as of 07:52, 10 August 2006 by Macbeth (talk | contribs)
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The Cyodrake's Gaze is a vessel that first appeared on the at the harbour of Krawk Island It seems to be a lead up to a new world, and a possible plot.

The ship contained exclusive foods, weaponry, and medicines which were available for sale before it disappeared from Krawk Island. The design of the ship's rigging, along with the items it was supplying, seem to imply that the vessel comes from a Chinese style world. It's relation to the Cyodrake, the Petpet which it borrows its name from, is unknown.

It is suspected that a new world may be released due to the overall oriental style of the ship, probably named Shenkuu, a name revealed on the Kou-jong page accidentally for a while before it was removed. More than likely, this will be the built-up island north of Lutari Island.

The Plot

The Cyodrake's Gaze appeared at Krawk Island on the 3rd August, 2006. The ship had just sailed through a storm, during which they lost much of their supplies and also appeared to have lost their navigator, Hoban, overboard. Three days later, presumably when the ship had repaired sufficiently, it sailed away.

After the ship had vanished, speculation sprang up through the Neopets community about where the ship would next appear. Mystery Island was one of the prime locations suggested. On the 8th August, the ship docked at the Mystery Island port, proving these suspicions right. It became apparent they had sailed to Mystery Island to search for their missing crewmate, but it appeared Hoban had not reached the island.


The way the comic-strips for this plot are written, it is as though the reader is conducting the investigation and is an integral part of the plot line, something absent from previous, similar plots which included part-by-part chapters.

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