Petty Thief

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Revision as of 21:09, 14 April 2011 by Emeraldosprey (talk | contribs) (category, battledome info)
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Petty Thieves were weak Battledome challengers that were fightable during the second wave of the Hannah and the Ice Caves plot.


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}}

Weapons Used
Tornado Ring Attack: 2×2 AirAir   1 - 2×1 - 2 PhysicalPhysical   Defence: All×All AirAir   4 BE Stat Heal.gif
Evil Snowball Attack: 3×3 WaterWater   3×3 DarknessDarkness   1 - 3×1 - 3 PhysicalPhysical  
Forest Cloak Defence: 2×2 EarthEarth Defence  2×2 LightLight Defence 
Thieves Dirk Attack: 3×3 AirAir   3×3 PhysicalPhysical  

Abilities Used
Aura Attack: 1×1 LightLight   Defence: 1×1 DarknessDarkness Defence 
Dark Shield Defence: 1×1 LightLight Defence 
Frost Attack: 1×1 WaterWater   Defence: 1×1 FireFire Defence 
Inertia Attack: 1×1 AirAir   Defence: 1×1 EarthEarth Defence