Niten Hiroru

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"The Kiko says nothing."

Niten Hiroru is an enigmatic Kiko who dresses all in black. Skilled in hand-to-hand combat, armed with a magic katana, and posing in front of a rising sun on his NeoDeck card, Niten Hiroru appears styled after the ninjas of Japanese history.

Better Than You

Niten Hiroru has been a contestant on Better Than You twice:

Date: January 7, 2010 '...' The silent Kiko looks at you, then at the race course. He's dressed all in black, grasping a sword in his sharp little claws. Not really the best gear for a tube race, right? Yet as he turns back to stare at you, you realize you've been challenged. You ask the Kiko if he's really that good. His only answer is '...'
Game: Tubular Kiko Racing
Score: 950
Prize: Carved Sansetsukon

Niten Hiroru was also a Better Than You challenger on August 14, 2003 playing Extreme Potato Counter.


  • Users who hold Niten's NeoDeck card in their inventory while viewing his Neopedia article will receive an avatar, released July 16, 2004.
  • Niten Hiroru's Neopedia article was released on April 8, 2003.

External links