Battle Duck

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The Battle Ducks are a set of six weapons that can be used in the Battledome. Their shape and appearance resemble that of a rubber duck. Despite their harmless semblance, the battle ducks are powerful weapons, each dealing five or more icons of damage.

All Battle Ducks

Bd yellowduck.gif Battle Duck
Attack: 3×3 WaterWater   1 - 3×1 - 3 PhysicalPhysical  
Can be purchased at the Battle Magic Shop.
Bd darkduck.gif Dark Battle Duck
Attack: 3×3 DarknessDarkness   5×5 WaterWater  
Can be purchased at the Battle Magic Shop.
Bd flamingduck.gif Fiery Battle Duck
Attack: 5×5 FireFire   5×5 LightLight  
Can be purchased at the Battle Magic Shop.
Bd iceduck.gif Icy Battle Duck
Attack: 5×5 AirAir   5×5 WaterWater  
Can be purchased at the Battle Magic Shop.
Bd maractiteduck.gif Maractite Battle Duck
Attack: 10×10 WaterWater  
Can be purchased at the Hidden Tower.
Bd seasonalbattleduckxhe.gif Seasonal Battle Duck
Attack: 2×2 WaterWater   2×2 AirAir   1 - 3×1 - 3 PhysicalPhysical   (Once per battle)
Given out by the Advent Calendar on December 26, 2003 and immediately retired.


  • The item description for the Battle Duck reads "Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...". This phrase is a reference to the tagline for the movie Jaws 2.