Team Mystery Island

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Mystery Island's Yooyuball team is led by Teylore Nix and the unstoppable brute force of Volgoth. They entered the 2006 Altador Cup with a punishing offensive arsenal few teams could hope to keep pace with, and were the odds-on favourite to bring home the cup despite the shaky status of their goalkeeper. After defeating Faerieland in Round One, however, Mystery Island's scoring duo was stopped by Krawk Island goaltender Garven Hale. The following year, Mystery Island has the same roster, yet the team is quick to point out they're more wiser and reliant on brains than sheer speed and brute force, making it seem their defeat humbled them to bring out their very best.


Team positions are as follows (bolded notes the Team Captain):

Year Goalkeeper Centre Defender Left Forward Centre Forward Right Forward
2006 Yaniq Avaan Maital Koric Teylor Nix Bertie Shurtz Volgoth
2007 Maital Koric
Vela Binal (substitute)
2008 Lor Benneveldt Vela Binal

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