Helmo Timm
Helmo Timm is a Brown Peophin and was the Left Forward for Kiko Lake's Yooyuball team in 2006 and 2007. Helmo also played for Kiko Lake in 2008; however, her team was unable to participate in Altador Cup III after being were trapped in a cave by a landslide. Helmo was permanently replaced by her backup, Holbie Pinnock, in 2009.
Although a she is a very poor tackler, Helmo is a fast and a profienct scorer with excellent leadership skills. She is also known to be injury prone. In 2006, she was injured during a league match right before Altador Cup I, and Holbie Pinnock was scheduled to play in her place. However, right before the tournment, Holbie Pinnock went down with an injury of his own. Helmo begged the team's doctor to let her play in the tourment.
Helmo was nominated for the Best Sportsmanship award in 2006.