The Scrollery

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Roberta Shopkeeper.gif

The Scrollery is a shop in Brightvale that sells a variety of scrolls for use in the Battledome. It opened on August 11th, 2004. The shop is owned by Roberta.


As of February 2008, the following 21 items are sold at The Scrollery:

  • Fiery Sun Scroll
  • Greater Defence Scroll
  • Greater Healing Scroll
  • Hypnotic Scroll
  • Lesser Defence Scroll
  • Lesser Healing Scroll
  • Lightning Scroll
  • Minor Defence Scroll
  • Minor Healing Scroll
  • Scroll of Benevolence
  • Scroll of Dark Nova
  • Scroll of Despair
  • Scroll of Flame Strike
  • Scroll of Freezing
  • Scroll of Moon Light
  • Scroll of Radiance
  • Scroll of The Clouds
  • Scroll of The Dark Star
  • Scroll of the Sea
  • Scroll of the Western Winds
  • Scroll of Trickery

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