Cafe Kreludor is a food shop in Kreludor. The Cafe Kreludor Chef is an Orange Grundo, who wears a chef's hat and apron, with a spatula in his hand.
This section documents a list of items sold in a shop.
This list may become incomplete as the shop releases new items.
- Kreluberry Fruit Drink Pouch
- Fruit Ice
- Frosted Moon Cookie
- Kreludan Wiggle Cookie
- Orange Moon Rock Pie
- Kreludan Jelly Cupcake
- Sticky Glob Sticks
- Orange Wiggle Cake
- Squeezable Tigersquash
- Candy Juice Straw
- Kreludan Cookie Star
- Gooey Kreluberry Pie
- Orange Pixxi Squash
- Kreludan Jelly Pyramids
- Kreludan Rocket Cookie
- Asteroid Crunch Cereal
- Gooey Kreludan Cookie
- Kreludan fruit Salad
- Neocola Hard Candies
- Fresh Kreluberry
- Fruit Leather
- Fruit in a Tube
- Toasted Marshmallow Grundo
- Tobbie Fruit Gumballs
External links