Talk:Main Page

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Front Page Revised

Front page is going under revision. it's cluttered and sloppy, and i'm going to try and fix that in the next few days. Help where you can, especially with putting character/game pages in their proper categories. Hope to have this settled soon enough...--Jacob 17:24, 6 Mar 2006 (CST)

Front page is continuing to be revised. This talk page has also been cleared of old discussions...--Jacob 10:35, 31 Mar 2006 (CST)

Could we do something with the front page to make it look more exciting? It's looking a little empty at the moment and it's a shame it doesn't reflect the quality of articles that is now offered at the NeoDex.--Yukio 13:44, 29 May 2006 (CDT)

I know what you mean. Will look into the next few days and see what can be done. really should take a look at it, as i already made a promise to revise it, at least to myself that is *whaps head*...hmmm...--Jacob 15:22, 29 May 2006 (CDT)

Okay, I think I'm going to put in a news/FAQ design similar to except with a FAQ instead of that "Getting Started" section. Just an idea for you guys. Thoughts?--Hermioneelovesron 06:12, 26 Jun 2006 (CDT)


Whereas Wookieepedia is the name of the Star Wars Wiki, could we rename the Neopets Wiki to "Wockypedia"? --Shultz IV of Wikipedia 21:11, 3 May 2006 (CDT)

At the moment, NeoDex is the current name, and will stay that way for the unforseen future.--Jacob 15:44, 4 May 2006 (CDT)
Funny, I was actually thinking about that name recently - but I thinks the NeoDex has started to become a name synonymous with a Neopets Encyclopedia ;)--Yukio 13:44, 29 May 2006 (CDT)
I say it should stay NeoDex, because it's just a whole lot easier to type than Wockypedia. --LifetimeMembership