Lord Kass

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Lord Kass NeoDeck image.

Lord Kass was an Eyrie former general in the army of Lord Darigan, who took over the rule of Darigan Citadel after Darigan disappeared after the Champions of Meridell plot. After becoming the Lord of the Citadel, he managed to convince his people to go to war with Meridell again through an extensive propaganda campaign.

Plot Summary

Battle for Meridell

Main Article: Battle for Meridell

After the Spectre of Lord Darigan was destroyed and Darigan disappeared, Kass was contacted by The Three who encouraged him to take power and succeed where Lord Darigan failed. Corrupted by the ghostly apparitions, General Kass bribed and threatened his way to power in Darigan's stead. Ardent supporters of Darigan who opposed Kass' rise to power were charged with treason and disposed of - Master Vex was locked in his own dungeon, and Galgarroth was chained up and thrown from the floating fortress.

After General Kass had gained enough support in the Citadel to claim he was Lord, he managed to convince his people King Skarl was ready to attack them. He suggested war, and, after his disinformation drive, received the support of his people and begun the invasion.

During this time, Lord Kass' dreams were haunted by The Three, who claimed he wasn't strong enough, and would take away his power if he wasn't greedy enough to use it, to which Lord Kass begged they don't take it away.

Soon after, Lord Kass sent a dancer to King Skarl, the daughter of the enchantress Morguss, The Court Dancer. With her dance she hypnotised Skarl the affairs of the court ground to a halt. Jeran's army in the field was left unsupported to face the invasion force alone. After the Court Dancer's spell was broken, Meridell launched a counter attack, sending forces to meet the oncoming waves on the ground as well as sending Jeran to lead a force to fly in against the Citadel itself.

Atop the Citadel, Lord Kass trapped Morris and Count Boris in a corner, but was stopped by Jeran. Kass quickly disposed of him and threw him off the edge of the fortress, and was immediately attacked by returned Lord Darigan. After a duel with Darigan, Lord Kass fled deeper into the Citadel, and was taken in an explosion of magic by The Three in revenge for his failure.


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}}

As the war boss of the Battle for Meridell, for every unsuccessful battle fought against him - that is to say, every time a player lost against him - Lord Kass lost one hit point for each future challenge. He was worth 10,000 war points to the player who finally defeated him - garet_jaxx.

Lord Kass used seven weapons:

  • Prismatic Mirror - Attack: none; Defence: 80 - 100% Air, Darkness, Earth, Fire, Light, Water; (Reflect)
  • Werelupe Claw Necklace - Attack: 5 x Darkness, 3 x Earth, 5 x Fire, 1 + 4 Physical; Defence: none;
  • Lord Kass Battle Armour - Attack: none; Defence: All Air, Darkness, Earth, Fire, Light, Water; (Prevents freezing)
  • Naralus - Attack: 10 x Air, 10 x Darkness, 10 x Earth, 10 x Fire, 10 x Light, 10 x Water; Defence: none;
  • Trithduril - Attack: 20 x Darkness, 20 x Physical; Defence: none;
  • Lord Kass Battle Shield - Attack: 5 x Air, 5 x Darkness, 5 x Earth, 5 x Fire, 5 x Light; Defence: All Air, Darkness, Earth, Fire, Light; (Prevents freezing)
  • Evil Hubrid Statue - Attack: none; Defence: none; (Removes 1/3 of opponents current HP)


During Fight...

  • (unknown)

After Win...

  • (unknown)


You shouldn't have frozen me. Surrender now, and I MIGHT let you live.


  • (unknown)


No! It isn't possible! How did you beat me?


  • Lord Kass' amulet is a real item called Lord Kass Amulet, only one of which exists and was given to Garret_jaxx as a war prize.
  • Lord Kass happens to be ambidextrous, both left and right handed as seen from certain Battle of Meridell chapters, but this is debatable.
  • His rise to power and the reason the Citadel went to war again are noted by some to be EXTREMELY similar to the infamous dictator, Adolf Hitler and one of the reasons for World War II, the Treaty of Versailles.

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