Auction House

From NeoDex
Revision as of 00:30, 9 May 2006 by Jacob (talk | contribs) (added trivia)
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If you have an Item you no longer want, you can put it up for auction and other people will be able to bid on your item. The person who bids the highest price recieves the item. Players can set a minimum price, the minimum bid to raise, and how long the auction will last.

Some rare and exclusive items are available through TNT controlled accounts, such as jeran.


  • Whenever the Auction House is down for maintainence, the following message is presented...

Sorry for the inconvenience, auctions are going to be down temporarily due to an infestation of metal eating bugs. We will put auctions back as soon as possible.

Dates this has occured: May 8, 2006

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