Go! Go! Go!

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Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go!
ID # 108
World Tyrannia
Category Card, Most Challanging, Strategy
High Scores
Game Page

Go! Go! Go! is a Card Game released on April 11, 2001. Cost to play is 50 Neopoints. The goal of the game is to clear your cards before the opponents.

3omHFP <a href="http://xiqwtvudsvng.com/">xiqwtvudsvng</a>, [url=http://vytfhiboqnul.com/]vytfhiboqnul[/url], [link=http://mqzrmssgsxdn.com/]mqzrmssgsxdn[/link], http://irbohpbnknti.com/

Your Opponents

kurugg_normal.gif Bacheek Bacheek move stones... Bacheek no understand card game well. Bacheek lose lots.
myncha_normal.gif Myncha Myncha was one of the first to venture northwards to the Volcano, and it was here he saw a group of prehistoric Scorchio's playing Go! Go! Go! He watched quietly, and then told all his friends about this great new game - and they have been playing it ever since!
tekelili_normal.gif Tekeli-Li Tekeli-li is a Master of Spells and Potions, watch him very closely as he has been known to use the odd little bit of magic when things aren't going his way.
plesio_normal.gif Plesio Plesio loved the game as soon as Myncha told him about it. After hours of practice, he has now become pretty good.
sargug_normal.gif Sargug Sargug loves to play GoGoGo, but gets very angry when he is beaten. Don't sit too close to him as that big club can punch a hefty whack :)
uggsul_normal.gif Uggsul Uggsul divides her day between playing GoGoGo and grooming her long tresses. Being fabulously wealthy she doesn't play cards for the money. She wants to be the GoGoGo Champion to show off to Princess Fernypoo and stop the spoilt little Acara boasting about her Cheat games.
sabrex_normal.gif Sabre-X When Sabre-X isn't supervising the Giant Omelette or having council meetings he likes to unwind with a game of GoGoGo. This master of strategy has a plan for almost every eventuality and is very hard to surprise.
grarrg_normal.gif Grarrg The Tyrannian Battle Master is a truly fearsome opponent. He is a mean card player that will try every trick in the book, and he is rarely beaten.
uggaroo_normal.gif Uggaroo This crafty gambler has earned so much money via his Switcharoo game that he invested in a professional Go! Go! Go! course (it cost him tens of thousands!). Aiming to keep up his reputation as the best gambler in Tyrannia, he will be hard to beat.
kyruggi_normal.gif Kyruggi Kyruggi didn't get to be Grand Elder for nothing. Do not under-estimate this little girl, she has played more games of GoGoGo than most Neopets have had hot soups. You will have to try very hard to have the slightest chance of beating Kyruggi.

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