Magical Marvels

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Revision as of 20:53, 15 August 2010 by Svenferg (talk | contribs)
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Magical Marvels is a shop in the Altador which sells Magical Battledome Equipment. It is owned by a Yellow Chia.


As of June 2010, 19 Magic Weapons are sold at Magical Marvels...

  • Altadorian Scales
  • Amulet of the Sun
  • Bag of Healing Dust
  • Brilliant Wing Amulet
  • Enchanted Wooden Bow
  • Exploding Powder
  • Flask of Liquid Sunlight
  • Gilded Crossbow
  • Golden Compass
  • Golden Laurel Circlet
  • Golden Mage Robe
  • Golden Sun Chalice
  • Laced Wooden Staff
  • Magical Healing Potion
  • Mystical White Cloak
  • Serpent Scroll
  • Sun Ring
  • Sun Scroll
  • Winged Wand of Wonder

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