Talk:Hidden Tower

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won't allow entry?

My account exists since 4 months. is that the reason why I can't get in the tower? or do you have to find a key or something like that to get in the tower. Please answer to make this encyclopedia more complete --unsigned by 16:22, 12 Dec 2005

I believe it has to do with preventing users from cheating or something like that. A new account could recieve immediate help from another, and deliberately trick other users into thinking they can't afford such items, and overpower users in the battledome. I could be wrong. does need to be looked to an added to the article. --Jacob 01:01, 24 Jun 2007 (UTC)

I CANT EITHER!! Techocave3

I never could either, but when I asked TNT, they said it was b/c my account was not old enough. I think it's gotta be at least 6 months old, but as for a specific age, I can't say. (Sorry, Techocave3, but that's not really a helpful comment) --Gaeamil 08:00, 8 Nov 2007 (UTC)

hi,I am member now,Grate !

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