Games Master Challenge 2007

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Revision as of 14:48, 22 November 2007 by Himmelsdemon (talk | contribs) (I was just about to edit it :))
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The Games Master Challenge of 2007 was a gaming plot which began on November 21, 2007, and is believed to end on November 27.

Plot participation

Each day for a week, Aristotle A. Avinroo presents 5 gaming challenges, which the user can complete for prizes.

November 20, 2007
  • Send Scores Challenge
Strolling Through Neopia Central
Send score in one qualifying Flash game
  • Game Challenge
Just Experimenting...
Score 350 in Korbat's Lab
  • Random Challenge
Throw Down the Gauntlet
Send one Flash game challenge card to a friend
  • Secret Game Challenge
Don't Eat Your Neggs Before They're Caught
Score 150 in Meerca Chase II
  • Theme Challenge
Score 125 in Itchy Invasion and score 150 in Cooty Wars
November 21, 2007
  • Send Scores Challenge
Picking Your Own in Meridell
Send score in five different qualifying Flash games
  • Game Challenge
Round Up the Usul Suspects!
Score 100 in The Usul Suspects
  • Random Challenge
These Are a Few of my Favourite Games
Add three qualifying Flash games to your list of Favourites
  • Secret Game Challenge
Scared of Your Own Shadow, Eh?
Score 200 in Edna's Shadow
  • Theme Challenge
The Sporting Life
Score 300 in Tyrannian Mini Golf, score 200 in Wingoball, score 50 in Tug-O-War
November 22, 2007
  • Send Scores Challenge
Surfing the Rapids of Shenkuu
Send score in fifteen different qualifying Flash games
  • Game Challenge
Double, Double...
Score 100 in Sophie's Stew
  • Random Challenge
Exploring in the Games Room
Use the Games Room search to find a word that will yield 10 or more search results (some of the qualifying search queries are "and", "%%%", "game").
  • Secret Game Challenge
Pop! Goes the Secret Challenge
Score 400 in Faerie Bubbles
  • Theme Challenge
This Challenge Does Not Exist
Score 400 in Jelly Blobs of Doom, 300 in Bouncy Supreme and 250 in Attack of the Gummy Dice

Qualifying Games List

The following are the games which qualify for the challenge...

  • Attack of the Gummy Dice
  • Attack of the Revenge
  • Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway
  • Bumble Beams
  • Caves and Corridors: Mystery Island
  • Chemistry for Beginners
  • Chia Bomber 2
  • Cooty Wars
  • Crisis Courier
  • Dar-BLAT!!!
  • Destruct-O-Match II
  • Dubloon Disaster
  • Edna's Shadow
  • Escape to Kreludor
  • Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars
  • Extreme Herder
  • Extreme Potato Counter
  • Eye of the Storm
  • Faerie Bubbles
  • Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest
  • Faerie Cloud Racers
  • Fashion Fever
  • Feed Florg
  • Flycatcher
  • Freaky Factory
  • Gadgadsgame
  • Goparokko
  • Gwyl's Great Escape
  • Hasee Bounce
  • Hungry Skeith
  • Ice Cream Machine
  • Igloo Garage Sale - The Game
  • Itchy Invasion
  • Jolly Jugglers
  • Jubble Bubble
  • Kiko Match II
  • Korbats Lab
  • Kou-Jong
  • Lost in Space Fungus
  • MAGAX: Destroyer II
  • Magma Blaster
  • Meepit Juice Break
  • Meepit vs. Feepit
  • Meerca Chase II
  • Moon Rock Rampage
  • Mop 'n' Bop
  • Neverending Boss Battle
  • Petpet Cannonball
  • Petpetsitter
  • Pterattack
  • Ready to Roll
  • Revel Roundup
  • Roodoku
  • Ruins Rampage
  • Shenkuu Warrior
  • Snow Wars II
  • Snowball Fight
  • Snowbeast Snackrifice
  • Snowmuncher
  • Sophie's Stew
  • Splat-A-Sloth
  • Stowaway Sting
  • Sutek's Tomb
  • Swarm - The Bugs Strike Back
  • The Great Desert Race
  • The Great Qasalan Caper
  • The Search for Princess Lunara
  • The Usul Suspects
  • The Water Horse - Crusoe Cruiser
  • Time Tunnel
  • Trouble at the National Neopian
  • Tubular Kiko Racing
  • Tug 'O' War
  • Turmac Roll
  • Tyrannian Mini Golf
  • Ugga Smash
  • Ultimate Bullseye II
  • Usuki Frenzy
  • Volcano Run II
  • Wal*Mart: Santa's Sleigh
  • Warf Rescue Team
  • Whack-A-Ghost
  • Whack-A-Kass
  • Whack-A-Staff-Member
  • Whirlpool
  • Wicked Wocky Wobble
  • Wingoball


Each prize given from a challenge was randomly generated.

External links

BE Stat Limit.gif
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