Freaky Factory

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Ctp 390.gif
Freaky Factory
Game ID No. 390
World Kreludor
Categories Action
NP : Point Ratio 0.78
High Scores
Game Page

Neopians have been playing with cute little figurines for ages, completely oblivious of the dark secrets behind their production...

In this game you play a factory worker employed by Krelufun Industries, a wholly owned subsidiary of Virtupets, Inc (the corporate arm of Dr. Sloth's empire.) It's nearing the end of the quarter, and management have just sold a huge amount of little Neopet miniatures, much more than the factory could produce, but that's not their problem is it... oh no... and if that order cannot be fulfilled it's YOUR job on the line!

How to play

So it's your job to produce the miniatures. Over on the right hand side of the screen you will see what colour miniature you have to produce next. Blobs of liquid Kreludite scroll across the top of the screen. It is your job to make sure (by clicking on them with the mouse) that they fall into the correct vat. Red blobs go into the Red vat and so on.

Kreludite is a very unstable material, and prone to mutation. This is why you will see different blobs scroll across at less frequent intervals. Each one has a special effect, but you'll have to work them out for yourself. Lastly, watch out for the Grundo Thief, he'll try and steal from your production line, but you can click him to bump him on the head!

External links

BE Stat Limit.gif
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