Tooth Faerie

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The Tooth Faerie

The Tooth Faerie is a unique type of Faerie who spends her days flying around Neopia giving users Neopoints when their Neopets lose their teeth (as a Random Event). The Tooth Faerie is seen only in Random Events or in Faerie Cloud Racers.


  • As of September 2006, the Tooth Faerie is featured in 20 items.
  • Random Events...
    • For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you (varying amount of) Neopoints!!!
    • For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you her avatar!!!
  • On June 29, 2006, the Tooth Faerie was featured in Better Than You, scoring 2800 in Faerie Cloud Racers. Prize was a Cloud Garden Swing. Quoted saying...

    No one escapes the Tooth Faerie, not even other faeries! I love competing with my sisters in our racers. My dark faerie sister says that losing to me is almost as bad as having her teeth pulled! In response, I said that if she brushed more, she wouldn't be able to make that comparison...

  • The Tooth Faerie's Neopedia article was added on February 1, 2007.

External links

Air Faeries Dark Faeries Earth Faeries
Briana · Casandia · Psellia · Zaira Ariadne · Dark Faerie Sisters · Delina · Drakara · Jhudora · The Darkest Faerie Ilere · Illusen · Iyana
Fire Faeries Light Faeries Water Faeries
Bree · Eithne · Ember · Nuria Siyana Marina · Naia · Nereid · The Drenched
Other Faeries
Aethia · Dung Faerie · Fyora · Grey Faerie · Jhuidah · Kari · Library Faerie · Mira · Soup Faerie · Tooth Faerie · Taelia · The Three · Valeane