Pink Poogle Toy

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PinkPT (formally PinkPoogleToy) is a Neopets help site which has branched out to include many different topics.


Pink Poogle Toy, also referred to as PinkPT or PPT, was originally designed as a fan and help site for Neopets, a site in which users take care for virtual pets.

Started in February of 2001 by Khyunh and Alicia, a young woman he happened to know over the internet, the fansite started with a meager two people per day and displayed answers to a small fraction of the Neopets games, but as its content grew so did its size and by the end of February over 200 hits were recorded per day.

The peak for the site during this early stage was when Alicia created a PPT Oekaki; unfortunately with over 2,000 new pieces of artwork created very day it had to quickly be shut down as the young site owners could not afford to pay for the insanely high amounts of bandwidth that was being used by this image-driven feature.

By the end of 2001 PinkPoogleToy was receiving an average of 8,000 unique visitors per day, unforunately it was at this stage that Alicia left turning entire control of the website over to Khyunh which was once considered by many to be PinkPT's worst move.

The website has continued to flourish to this day and with new content being added many times per week there is no end in sight to the juggernaut known as PPT.

The Current Site

The site has been growing ever since, but by far the most popular area of the site now is the large community hosted on the phpBB forum. Since the forums unfortunately crashed in April 2004, the community has rebuilt itself, and nearly 4,000 of the 10,000 members that had joined by this time returned, many under different names. Since this, PPT has grown immensely. Under the stern, yet loving eye of the three administrators, the community has flourished. Jim, the weird guy, handles the disciplinary side of things. Hunter Lupe handles the technical side of it. Runevalkyrie is more a watchful eye over the staff, as many things have gone wrong in its past. A bi-weekly paper, called the Pink Ink has also been hosted on the site.

With the help of a forum, a lot of content, and a great community PinkPT, and the PinkPTers (a person who often visits the site) along with it have developed their own little slice of online culture. Expanding into sites dedicated to other big things, like Harry Potter and Subeta, The PPT Empire shows little sign of slowing down. PinkPT has also expanded into the online gaming world itself. A new section of the site, Kaimon, a game unlike any other text-based RPG online is being developed.

As of the 15th June 2005, PPT has further expanded its reach, opening up two new sub-channels. One regarding a popular anime, Sailor Moon, and another on Dance, an enjoyable hobby of the webmaster.


Despite the fact that PinkPT has such a wide fan base, it has also ranked up a number of enemies. As the largest Neopets fan site, many runners of other sites claimed that PinkPT is a site which encourages a multitude of problems, including spyware, viruses and hardcore pornogrophy. Of course, this is not true. Though the websites sports a number of advertisements, the management makes sure that no illegal content makes its way onto the computer. Not only other site runners have grudges, as many older members of the communitiy come back to antagonise the forums. Still, with over 4,000 members, it could be considered the largest fan site for Neopets.

Soup stated this, on December,8,2003

  Many people may not be aware of why I said what I did as I never said any sites' name or did anything other than quote concerns that people sent to me. Confused still? Let me try to clear things up for you and everyone else that may or may not be aware of what I was attempting not to refer to. 
     Sometime either on December 7th or December 8th a Neopet player, that shall remain nameless, posted a nice chat on the Battledome NeoChat claiming that she was frozen because she visited PinkPt.Com. (Will be referred to as PPT from now on.) I believe the reason she said she was frozen was because she was cookie grabbed while visiting PPT. Many people saw this chat thread and started to email me about their own personal problems that they had with PPT. Many people quoted to me that PPT had problems with "cookie grabbers," "scammers," "spyware," and other things that can invade both your privacy and computer security. 
     Now, because of the many many emails I received over those few hours time, I saw that computer security was an important thing to many of my viewers. Many people used PPT for their Battlepedia and felt it was no longer safe to visit there. They requested that I create a Battlepedia so they had a save place to visit for the information they wanted. In order to let my many visitors know that I was aware and sympathetic of their security concerns, I stated what I quoted above in my site's news. I took care NOT to name any site's name specifically. I never once mentioned the site that people were reporting as having major security problems. The most I did was quote exact terms said to me. 
     Now, before I posted anything here on the site, I went to the Battledome NeoBoards to review what was happening. I didn't personally put much into what was going on until a staff member/mod for PPT posted that they did in fact have spyware on their site. This person was confirmed to be an actual staff/mod member by how they posted in the PPT forum and how they reacted in the PPT forum when the same account was frozen. 

Click here for said announcement NOTE: This is just a SAVED copy of the board. You cannot reply to it and this chat board no longer exists.

     Because of that chat, I was aware that at least one of the concerns my viewers brought to my attention were very valid. We didn't take the staff members word for it. I actually tested out the theories on spyware on my own. I used a software called Ad-Aware to clear my computer of anything that it might contain. I then visited PPT like any casual user. I visited the main page, tips, and other sections of the site. I then used Ad-Aware to see if I in fact pick up any spyware. The search picked no less than 8 new instances of data mining items. It was then that I decided to give them what they wanted and start a Battlepedia here on Soup-Faerie.Com. Again, as stated above, I took care NOT to name PPT specifically as I didn't want to make anyone aware of their own security issues as not everyone was aware. 

The Reason for This Public Statement:

     Well, it seems that people from PPT (both forum members, staff, and the website owner) misunderstood my statement on my site to be a direct attack on them and the site. PPT's owner Yukio took it upon himself to post the following on the front of PPT on December 10th: 

Cookie Grabbers - An Official Statement Anything which is not printed here by Yukio, is not an official statement and should not be treated as one.

It has come to my attention that rumors have been circulating that PPT is a site which is using 'Cookie Grabbers' to hack into user accounts. Right off that bat, I state that any such claim is entirely false, rediculous and without merit.

Secondly, the reason behind this post is about another website. A few months previously, my good friends over at Nothing But Neopets informed me of another website, who's webmistriss and staff created blogs belitting me, calling me names, calling the entire PPT community immature brats among other various things. Now, it has also come to my attention that this website in question is still doing such things.

It saddens me that such a person / website can harbour such hatred and malice in their hearts for a website which was created to help other people. It is further saddens me, that such people can 'backstab' and 'attack' another person, website and a community without any reasoning at all - choosing to twist words, choosing to take what is said on the chat boards as offical PPT statements, choosing to encourage rumors that decredit PPT and choosing to hate something which I created for all the right reasons. These attacks on me, my friends, family, staff and visitors is not warranted and unfair and I am deeply shocked and upset at what has come to light as of late. Heather, I speak to you, someone who I once respected from a distance. I have never spoken to you, nor do I now wish to - for all your spite, anger and lies which you have exerted towards PPT, who has never raised a word against you. Even now I have asked that my staff do not involve themselves in such a dispute, and if you have any common decency left in you, I advise that you do not treat others in the future as you have treated me. Posted 10 Dec 2003 14:23 by Yukio.

     Now, as mentioned, it seems that my site's words were misunderstood to be a direct attack against them. They were not meant to be. My words were only meant to address concerns sent to me through email. It was not my intention to spread rumors or propagate PPT's problems any further than it was between them and the original Neopet player that brought to light the possible security issues. So, here I am now going to address every last sentence that PPT said as many of them are bold-faced lies. And yes, this was a direct attack by PPT on me and my site as they stated MY name specifically. 

Secondly, the reason behind this post is about another website. A few months previously, my good friends over at Nothing But Neopets informed me of another website, who's webmistriss and staff created blogs belitting me, calling me names, calling the entire PPT community immature brats among other various things. Now, it has also come to my attention that this website in question is still doing such things. Soup-Faerie.Com's Reply:

     Not true. I am the ONLY staff member for my site. Yes, I have had people create things and submit things for my site; but, that does NOT mean that they are or were staff. Yea, someone did probably call the PPT community brats and attempt to belittle PPT in general. However, that person was NOT me; and, that person in no way represented my site- EVER. Don't blame me for what others have done. Just because others like and/or support my website doesn't mean that I am personally responsible for their actions. This is especially true when I do not authorize or encourage people to take such actions. 
     Like you so said, only you can give the official statement for your site. Only I can make official statements and take official actions for my site. Those things which you accused me of directly I did not do. 

It saddens me that such a person / website can harbour such hatred and malice in their hearts for a website which was created to help other people. Soup-Faerie.Com's Reply:

     This is purely an assumption based on your part. I hold no hatred or malice towards you or PPT. I only hold animosity towards those that have only attempted to spread lies about me. And, if those lies were addressed (which they were not) I could have forgiven and forgot about this whole mess. You were again probably blaming the actions of others on me when you made this statement. I in no way said anything that would reflect my own personal thoughts publicly on my site and representing my site until you came out with your assumption. Only then did I flat out state that it was a lie on your part to say that as I never once passed hatred in your direction- EVER. I still hold no hatred or malice towards you or your site. I only have less respect as you posted lies about both me and my site and did not address them. 
     The only malice that any site displayed was your site when you personally addressed me on the front of your site. It was pure malice that you said what you did without either contacting me first for the truth. You only took the rumors that people were spreading and placed all blame on me. That was the only malice that either site displayed. 
     Though, I will admit that my public statement might look as an act of malice; however, it should not be taken as such. It is just a rebuttal of a direct attack on me. I was personally attacked. I have the right to respond with my thoughts. 

It is further saddens me, that such people can 'backstab' and 'attack' another person, website and a community without any reasoning at all - choosing to twist words, choosing to take what is said on the chat boards as offical PPT statements, choosing to encourage rumors that decredit PPT and choosing to hate something which I created for all the right reasons. Soup-Faerie.Com's Reply:

     Again because they addressed me directly by stating my name, I have to ask where I did this? Am I yet again getting blamed for the actions of people I know and/or people that have submitted things to my site in the past? I never did such things to PPT and would never do such things to any sites. Yes, some of my friends have attacked members of the PPT forum. However, that does not mean that those people are representing me or my site. Please stop confusing the actions of others as official Soup-Faerie.Com actions. They are NOT one and the same. 
     Now, for me, the only statement that I have taken seriously was the statement that Yukio made about me and my website. That is an "Official Statement" and that statement contains many lies which I am now addressing. Any other things were not taken as official statements; however, one of the things PPT staff mentioned was proven to be true. PPT was proven to contain spyware through the advertisements and popups found on the site. 
     And, again I never attempted to discredit you or your site as I did NOT state names here on my site. I took care to not say names so I was not spreading anything about any specific sites. It was a misunderstanding for my words to be taken as attempts to discredit and/or propagate rumors about PPT. The only things I will now attempt to discredit is what you stated about me specifically on your site. You based much of what you stated on rumors, assumptions, and other people's actions. You did not actually base anything off of what I have personally displayed towards you, your site, or any members of your forum. 

Heather, I speak to you, someone who I once respected from a distance. I have never spoken to you, nor do I now wish to - for all your spite, anger and lies which you have exerted towards PPT, who has never raised a word against you. Even now I have asked that my staff do not involve themselves in such a dispute, and if you have any common decency left in you, I advise that you do not treat others in the future as you have treated me. Soup-Faerie.Com's Reply:

     If you refer to all that I have replied to above, you can see where I have not done anything other than attempt to leave you and your site's name out of this as I did not want to spread any rumors or lies about any specific site. You were the only person that took it upon themselves to name a person directly and accuse them directly of things. You were the only person spreading lies and displaying anger. Yes, I take your official statement as a display of anger on your part. I'm sorry that you had to feel that way; however, you must realize that many of the things you accused me of were not my personal actions. As much as you don't like people taking other's statements/actions as official PPT actions, I don't like people taking the actions/statements of people I happen to know and have as friends as official statements, actions, and feelings of how Soup-Faerie.Com feels about PPT. 
     Now, you might be asking yourself why I posted this public statement? I contacted PPT staff members and Yukio directly about the lies that were posted publicly on their site about me and Soup-Faerie.Com. I told them I did not have the intention of posting any false information about them or attacking them as they thought I did. I purposefully left PPT's name out of my site on December 8th as I didn't want to spread anything further than it had already spread. However, PPT failed to address their lies. I informed them that if they did not by this Friday, I would do so myself. And so, here is my statement concerning what has happened, what they lied about, and what you should worry about in way of your own computer's security. 
     Now, it does sadden me that it had to go this far with a situation I did not start. This started all because one brave neopian came forward with concerns about security on PPT. Many people saw that chat and contacted me. Being the caring webmaster that I try to be, I wanted to comfort my visitors to let them know that I will be here to create a safe place for them to visit. I would be here to provide them what they wanted. I went out of my way to not name site names specifically. However, what do my efforts to leave another site's name out of the mess get me? I get drawn in that much further by a direct attack on their part. As you can see, they have had 9 days to address what they had on their site. However, they chose not to address them so I had to do so for them. 

- Posted by


The most noted celebrity on PinkPT is the chicken, Arrow. In the beginning, it started out as an Emoticon, but this chicken has been officially raised to the 'mascot' of PPT. At the top of the forum, one can see the banner. There is a picture of Arrow, painted by the resident artist, the wonderful Yoshi. In various forms, during the holiday seasons, one can see Arrow in such forms as the roast chicken during Thanksgiving, and a Cupid arrow, during St. Valentine's Day Influences

The Pink Poogle Toy item on Neopets has had its description changed to "This lovely pink poogle moans about banner ads and frozen accounts when you squeeze it! :P", a playful reference to the members of PPT forums, many of whom frequently complain about various aspects of Neopets.


Although PPT is a Neopets help website, it has expanded into a wonderful community run by our awesome Yukio. Many PPTers are hard-working fun-loving insane people, as the site is meant to be. In conclusion, PinkPT considered by many to be one of the best Neopets help sites with a multi-topic forum.