Battle for Meridell

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Battle for Meridell was a Plot on Neopets which took place between February 2, 2004 and May 13, 2004.Lord Kass bred unrest within the ranks of his people and started a war against Meridell, violating their peace treaty, in an attempt to satisfy The Three.

Plot Summary

Lord Kass' takeover

After Lord Darigan's fall from power, Lord Kass, a general at the time, began to gain power and influence in the Citadel, by bribing, intimidating and blackmailing a number of important or otherwise influential people (his diagrammatic plan would imply at least eight), including a captain, two chairman, a mayor, constable, judge, sheriff, prison keeper Master Vex, and General Galgarroth (interestingly misspelt by Lord Kass). Those who did not swear fealty to him were disposed of: Master Vex was [