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Isca is a childhood friend of Garin, and Caylis's twin sister. She helped Garin fight against Captain Scarblade in Curse of Maraqua.

Plot Summary

Curse of Maraqua

Main Article: Curse of Maraqua

Isca and her sister Caylis were living in Maraqua at the time of its destruction. After the whirlpool ended, King Kelpbeard found them in hiding and took them to the refugee camp he had established.

Isca began to have vivid, prophetic dreams, as did her sister Caylis. Isca's dreams helped the King prepare for the events that were to come, but Caylis' dreams, always predicting disaster, gave her a reputation that she, in fact, was behind the catastrophes. Caylis was banished from New Maraqua, while Isca was appointed to the Palace.

While visiting the surface, against King Kelpbeard's wishes, she saw Garin hanging off a cliff. She began to dream of him, and how essential he would be to continue New Maraqua's prosperity. It was in part because of this she violated the King's laws about surface dwellers and brought Garin to New Maraqua after his vessel, The Black Pawkeet, was captured by Captain Scarblade.


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