Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway

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Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway is an action game released on November 17, 2006.

After a potion he took went wrong, Bruno became a disfigured, monstrous Gelert. The townspeople of Neovia took the same potion and were similarly twisted by the elixir. They blamed Bruno for being the first to advertise the potion and chased him out into the Haunted Woods. To escape their wrath, Bruno must now use whatever shelter he can find to evade the angry mob.

Avoid the villagers and the rocks that they throw. Collect all of the potions to end the level. Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to move and the SPACEBAR to jump. Press SPACEBAR when Bruno is near the cave to drop off the potions. Press "P" to pause the game.

The code lookoutbruno can be entered for an extra life.

  • World: Haunted Woods
  • Game Type: Action
  • NP Ratio: 75 NP per 100 pts scored

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