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Ctp 353.gif

Web of Vernax is an action game released on March 25, 2004. Similar in play to the game JezzBall, users are placed in the role of a hungry Spyder. The goal of the game is to progress through an unlimited number of levels, capturing and eating Vernax in the webs they create.

How to play

Gameplay occurs through use of the mouse. Users have to spin webs and try to capture the Vernax in small enough webs. To make a web, users click the left mouse button somewhere on the game area drag the mouse in the direction they wish to go. When they release the button the Spyder will begin making a strand of web in that direction. Once the Spyder hits a web or the edge of the play area, the web will turn a solid grey colour.

If one of the Vernax hits a strand of web before it hardens a life will be lost (a total of 3 at beginning of play), and the web strand will be lost. Gameplay is also against the clock as Spyders have fast metabolisms, and they will starve if time runs out. A mutant Red Spyder will also appear in later levels to eat webs and can be defeated if they eat the end of a strand of webbing in the gaming area, falling from the games proposed ceiling area. (Read more...)