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TheDailyNeopets employs an active group as members of staff. Currently, there are 4 staff members, with one spot assigned to the Administrator (Tipem); one spot assigned to a News Poster (Hyperknuckles); 2 spots assigned to Content Writers (Samuel, Animetriplicate); and no one in the graphics area at the moment. TDN will be employing content writers and graphics staff after v5 is up.
TheDailyNeopets employs an active group as members of staff. Currently, there are 4 staff members, with one spot assigned to the Administrator (Tipem); one spot assigned to a News Poster (Hyperknuckles); 2 spots assigned to Content Writers (Samuel, Animetriplicate); and no one in the graphics area at the moment. TDN is currently accepting content writer and graphics staff appications.

==Where's Jerry?==
==Where's Jerry?==

Revision as of 22:24, 24 July 2006

TheDailyNeopets' home page as of June, 2006.

TheDailyNeopets is a fan site of Neopets which began in late 2005. Formerly a subsidary of PinkPT, the owner and administrator of TDN (TheDailyNeopets), Tipem, had previously ran a commentary for PPT. After a month of hard work tending to the commentary, Yukio purchased TheDailyNeopets.com for Tipem. As PinkPT did not post unreleased Neopets news at the time, TheDailyNeopets' main purpose was to do so. Over the coming year, TDN has blossomed into a fully independent fan site, with its servers based in the loungeroom of its Administrator, Tipem, in Ohio, USA.


TheDailyNeopets was a branch off of PinkPT, with very little content and viewers of similar numbers. Its original layout consisted of sky-blue colour and a sponge Blumaroo.

As PinkPT continued to support TheDailyNeopets through yet another facelift, not much more pleasing to the eye as the previous one. The lack of information still remained, however. That was until Tipem (The owner of TheDailyNeopets) got the idea "TDNSUW", which stood for "The Daily Neopets Super Update Week". This entailed adding various pages of guides and graphics and lifted TheDailyNeopets into better territory.

After the 'TDNSUW', TheDailyNeopets had many more visitors, but now lacked helpful navigation. This was remedied in version 3 of the site where an eye-catching layout was made along with improved page navigation and overall well-being of the site. More members were added to the staff to write more guides for TheDailyNeopets.

At the end of January, TheDailyNeopets ran a survey to ask the viewers of the site what they wanted to see. They recieved a very high amount of replies in a very short amount of time, but got lots of new ideas for version 4, which was released on the 11th of March 2006. It was an instant hit with all of the viewers, as it included almost all of their suggestions sent to Tipem through the survey a couple of months previous.

V4 lasted a good while before TDN went to v5 (why? Sources say bordom was the cause). V5 came out in late July of 2006, and, even with a bumpy start, has a good chance of catching on quickly. The Hissi in the corner is gone from the banner now, but Jerry, as he always shall, remains.


TheDailyNeopets boasts features other fansites may not offer. Along with offering graphics, the latest unreleased Neopets news and dailies list, it has its own Editorial so that regular Neopians that cannot get their question answered officially can recieve a helpful reply. TheDailyNeopets is also one of the few Neopets fan sites to offer a complete, step-by-step Altador Plot guide with many readers. An Avatar Lending Account was set up to reward its readers with aid to get the most sought after avatars for use on the Neoboards. With a first attempt at this proving unsucessfull, two loyal members of the sites forum offered to revive the service. The "Where's Jerry?" plot (See below) was a bit hit, and TDN first plot.


TheDailyNeopets employs an active group as members of staff. Currently, there are 4 staff members, with one spot assigned to the Administrator (Tipem); one spot assigned to a News Poster (Hyperknuckles); 2 spots assigned to Content Writers (Samuel, Animetriplicate); and no one in the graphics area at the moment. TDN is currently accepting content writer and graphics staff appications.

Where's Jerry?

On June 1, 2006, TheDailyNeopets began an on-site plot to find Jerry, the red Pteri, their mascot. Set up by Samuel, a member of staff, the plot involves various puzzles and is quite challenging. At the start of the plot, Bob the Detective Wocky was introduced, as the crime-fighting guru. The solutions of the plot are held in upmost secrecy; the threat of disqualification used in deterrence. Every 2 days, another part of the plot is released, with an estimated 6 parts in total.

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