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On Featured Article Selection

Articles shall be voted on by a majority. Articles not selected one week can be nominated next week. Don't try to renominate already featured articles. ;) --Jacob 18:32, 29 Apr 2006 (CDT)

Make all your votes under the "Featured Articles for nomination" section (default name as of writing). --Jacob 05:51, 26 Jan 2007 (CST)

Sophie the witch

Sophie the witch used to be around when neopets first released the haunted woods. However, back then it was called the witches towerand sophie was a person, not a neopet.

No, that's Edna. She's still there, as it happens, although after a 'magical experiment gone wrong' she 'transformed' into a Zafara when TNT wanted to get rid of the 'human' NPC. Sophie is a different witch.--Macbeth 10:36, 5 May 2006 (CDT)

Funny thing: even though The Neopets Team changed her into a Neopet, thereby changing the human NPC theme going on, the Tiki Tack Man remains human-like. and he can't be changed, as he's already been part of several plots, has an avatar (from one of the plots), and even has a TCG card named after him. but then again, the TNT may decide to change it on whim. It's what they did with Edna to begin with, as she was with Neopets for awhile before changing.--Jacob 11:09, 5 May 2006 (CDT)

Yeah. And the Island Mystic 'fell in the cooking pot', I believe :D. There's still Dr. Sloth. He's... Part human. And before Dr_Death there was an old woman in charge of the Pound, I believe. --Macbeth 18:45, 5 May 2006 (CDT)

oh yeah...i remember that. Dr_Death and the adoption center for the grundos used to have an older woman with hair tied up like a melon. there was also a scientist involved with the arival of virtupets plot as well. And for the record, i think Sloth is a Chia. look at both of their heads and compare. he's either that, or an alien like the Grundo.--Jacob 19:08, 5 May 2006 (CDT)


As it is the start of 2007, and a Monday, may I add, now would be a good time to restart the Featured Articles, methinks. --Macbeth 21:25, 31 Dec 2006 (CST)

And if so...*makes 01/01/07 nomination* --Macbeth 21:55, 31 Dec 2006 (CST)

I'm hesitant on creating another string of articles right now, but if you really think we have enough articles completed since the cancel of the first run on November 16, then let's give it another shot. Let's show we are still kicking on the front page of PinkPT. :D By the way, i like your style of nominating articles to be featured. shall this be the prefered style hence forth? --Jacob 01:50, 1 Jan 2007 (CST)

So...How long will this "first run" of articles go? I know we can't do it straight through the year, and will need a break at some point. i'm just wondering when that break will be. Will it occur after so many articles? Like 10 of them? And how long will the break last? Almost 2 months like the last break? --Jacob 05:51, 26 Jan 2007 (CST)

That sounds good... A break after every ten articles... If, at the end of the first run, we start the second when we have a queue of ten articles pretty much ready? --Macbeth 16:17, 26 Jan 2007 (CST)

That sounds like a very good idea to me. So then, when 10 articles have been listed for the fist run, a new run of 10 articles will be created when we have a full list or whenever the break passes. Which means the first run should end on...*looks at calendar* March 9, 2007. A month break will be had (or more if needed), then another ten will come about. --Jacob 12:48, 9 Feb 2007 (CST)
Alright, i think it's time to start talks of reopening the featured articles again. i think starting in the beginning of May 1, and a new one every following week. Sound good? Will start the talks of nominations below. --Jacob 11:07, 19 Apr 2007 (CDT)
Well, the May 1 date is passed, and i still don't think we are ready yet. I suppose we can see about starting next month after more nominations and finished articles occur. :( --Jacob 02:43, 9 May 2007 (CDT)

Featured Articles for nomination

Nomination: Week Beginning 24/08/06

Candidate: The Tyrannian Invasion
For: Overall succinctness, high level of information despite the age of the events, and a good representation of the Neodex's scope.

Has my approval. ;) --Jacob 17:07, 17 Aug 2006 (CDT)

Nomination: Week Beginning 01/01/07

For: Recent revamp and overall succinctness. No game articles have been previously featured.

Has my approval. ;) --Jacob 01:50, 1 Jan 2007 (CST)

Nomination: Week Beginning 01/12/07

As a featured article wasn't featured directly the week after the previous on, i think it should be alright to show it this Friday, and keep it consistent with that. But what article to show? I was thinking it may be a good idea to start planning ahead with a few articles, and not feel the rush of suddenly having to show another article ill prepared. So i'll throw three up for nomination..

I'm sure any of these can be made ready by this Friday, and the 2 other the two weeks after. --Jacob 08:05, 10 Jan 2007 (CST)

Nomination: Week Beginning 02/02/2007

Seeing as it worked out real well last time, i'd like to nominate 3 more articles in a row. They are...

These articles, should they need touch up, can be finished for the weeks to come. If others would like to nominate more articles, feel free to do so. we can add to the waiting list. ;) --Jacob 05:51, 26 Jan 2007 (CST)

Nominations for Second Run 05/01/2007 (projected date)

As spoken of in the past, it's hoped we can plan out which articles we would like to feature ahead of time, thereby lowering the stress of rushing to complete an article for the weekly deadline. Each run of featured articles will contain 10 articles, of which we want at least 5 planned and ready for release when the time comes. So, as a ways to start, i'll pick out 3 articles, which can be debated over, and added to till we have a plan of action for the return of this feature. Mine are...

  • Techo - it's always good to feature a Neopet, and though this one has plenty of external links and trivia, there could be more data we can add to it.
  • Faerie Bubbles - Looks like one of the more complete game articles of the NeoDex.
  • Snorkle - wish to feature this just beacause it's been asked to be improved upon. can be featured somewhere near the end if need be.

Random selections indeed. :D these don't need to be the first few featured, but can be part of the mix of 10 in the end. hope to hear some of your input on this soon. --Jacob 11:07, 19 Apr 2007 (CDT)

As stated above, the May 1 date is passed. Will see where we are next month. --Jacob 02:43, 9 May 2007 (CDT)

Altador Cup, for being a recent world event, its recent major alterations, a very detailed article, and nice prose. -- Macbeth 14:52, 15 Jun 2007

That will make 4 articles ready for the second run of featured articles. and while we are on it, perhaps we could feature Altador Cup 2006 as well, which seems to be more complete as well (though both could use a little more tweaking).
And yes, we are behind the second projected date...perhaps the beginning of next month when the chaos of Altador cup is past? :o --Jacob 01:10, 16 Jun 2007 (UTC)
Nominate Gadgadsbogen as well, for being a very complete article...I applaud you Fugwoogle hop. *thumbs up* :) --Jacob 15:58, 31 Jul 2007 (UTC)

I was feeling impulsive and I started up the featuring again. We still don't have all 10 total articles set up, but i think we have a very good start (6 if we count Altador Cup and Altador Cup 2006). Still plently of work to do. HUZZAH! --Jacob 17:39, 31 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Some more article nominations to think upon...
  • Daily Puzzle - It's look is pretty set at this point, and it's always good for users to look here and find the answer (if someone uploaded it, that is).
  • Fountain Faerie - There isn't much more to complete on this article, and I think it would be good for users to know the in's and out's of the Fountain Faerie (because the FFQ is SO wanted by everyone :P).
That's my two bits at the moment. Other nominations are always welcome. ;) --Jacob 20:17, 7 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Eliv Thade, Meowclops and Master Vex have stricken me recently as three nicely formed articles. Smugglers Cove would be good, too, if we fill out the lists needed in the two empty sections. --Macbeth 11:20, 29 Aug 2007 (UTC)

Nominations for first run, 1/1/2008 (projected date)

The final article for the second run of 2007 is finished, and I think this would be a good time to give the featured articles feature a rest until next year. Until then, we can continue to work on articles and nominate more complete ones for the year of 2008. Thanks to all who helped in 2007. *thumbs up* :D --Jacob 02:04, 3 Oct 2007 (UTC)

Nominees for the return of the featured article! Will list what they still need in order to be "complete"...
  • Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway - Needs more expansion on the level design, perhaps including level names, monsters, and odd occurances which may...occur.
  • Aisha Myriad - Requires a release date still, lookover the overview, and expanded description of its use and usefullness in the battledome.
  • Ghostkerbomb - Same as above (i think).
  • Petpetpet - Just a little bit more about the species as a whole (akin to all the different species of Neopet being one species)
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. I know there is more. Me thinks I should have noted them down. :( If you find any other articles, be sure to note them down here! :D --Jacob 23:36, 12 Nov 2007 (UTC)
More nominees...
  • Kalora - Looks complete, and probably just needs the watchful eye of someone.
  • Games Master Challenge 2006 - Just needs a little cleanup (due to not being touched in awhile), and it should be ready.
  • Altador Cup 2006 - Also needs a little cleanup in sections, and it should be ready.
What I have at the moment... --Jacob 06:29, 25 Nov 2007 (UTC)
And some more nominees...
  • Down for Maintenance Pteri - Needs BD section worked up and maybe looked over overview
  • Celandra - Pretty much complete as far as I can see...except for a category link to the hidden tower
  • Wadjet - colour release dates aren't all there, but it's not important...that much
  • Cap'n Threelegs - a little more sorting and it should be fine
We have 10 nominated already, but the articles need to be completed, plus having more articles nominated wouldn't hurt. --Jacob 09:03, 17 Dec 2007 (UTC)

Alright, I'm officially starting the run of 10 articles today. Please help support the effort by completing the rest of the nominated articles for the coming weeks, and thanks to all who have contributed thus far. ;) --Jacob 18:36, 6 Jan 2008 (UTC)