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By lots of refreshing, you can attach a petpetpet to your [[petpet]].
Petpets are pets which you can attached to your [[Neopet]].

Petpetpets were introduced to Neopets after [[petpets]]. When [[petpets]] were introduced, people often made jokes about having a pet for your [[petpet]]. It seems [[TNT]] does have a sense of humor after all, because they listened, and they created.
Some petpets can be purchased (if lucky or rich) but many must be gained via secret [[random events]] or as prizes... you can also paint your Petpet with a [[paintbrush]].

Petpetpets are rather expensive, and users who have them are typically "rich" on [[Neopets]].
Your petpet can gain levels by playing petpet fights, waking the [[Turmaculus]] or visiting the petpet [[secret laboratory]] but will re-set to Level 1 if removed at all.

In many cases a PetPet will aquire a Pet by itself... apparently.
The petpet originally started as just that, a pet for your pet. It could be named and you could talk to it and a randomly generated response would appear. But that was a long time ago. These days there is a petpet battledome, petpet paint brushes, petpet toys, and even petpetpets!

To add a petpetpet to your petpet:

1) Make sure that the petpet you want to add the petpetpet to is attached to your active pet (either by making that pet active or by attaching the petpet to your active pet.)
[[Category: Petpets]]
2) Make sure the petpetpet is in your inventory.
3) Refresh your inventory page until the petpetpet disapears.
4) Go view your pets, the petpetpet will now be attached to your petpet! Congratulations!
[[Category: To Do List]]
[[Category: Petpetpets]]

Revision as of 17:48, 10 March 2006

Petpets are pets which you can attached to your Neopet.

Some petpets can be purchased (if lucky or rich) but many must be gained via secret random events or as prizes... you can also paint your Petpet with a paintbrush.

Your petpet can gain levels by playing petpet fights, waking the Turmaculus or visiting the petpet secret laboratory but will re-set to Level 1 if removed at all.

The petpet originally started as just that, a pet for your pet. It could be named and you could talk to it and a randomly generated response would appear. But that was a long time ago. These days there is a petpet battledome, petpet paint brushes, petpet toys, and even petpetpets!

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