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Llugh spreading seeds as seen in Neopedia story.

Llugh (also known as Trickster Llugh) is a Red Mynci known for creating the annual event of Gadgadsbogen. He was introduced in a Neopedia on (need date), which detailed his involvement in the festival. Described as an old story told by Mystery Island inhabitants, Llugh received a bet from his friend Mizkuko when he claimed he was faster than the sun. Mizkuko challenged him to race from one end of Mystery Island to the other in a day, effectively beating the sun. Llugh's race across Mystery Island was difficult but was aided by the fruits he'd took along for strength. Due to a hole in his bag, he lost all his fruit except for three Juppies, and when a hungry traveller asked if Llugh could spare a Juppie just as the sun was setting, Llugh kindly gave away his last Yellow Juppie. The traveller was in fact an Earth Faerie called Tyleine, who granted Llugh the strength to get to the edge of Mystery Island before the sun had gone over the horizon. When Llugh returned, Tyleine returned the Yellow Juppie, and asked him to throw the seeds of the Juppie along the road as he ate so new plants would grow. When he does this, new fruits and vegetables grow, a ritual he repeats each year.

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