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*[http://www.neopets.com/terms.phtml Neopets Terms and Conditions]
*[http://www.neopets.com/terms.phtml Neopets Terms and Conditions]

[[category:Neopets Terminology]]


Revision as of 21:59, 2 June 2006

Having your account frozen means that your account has been disabled. Users are frozen for serious infractions of the Neopets Terms and Conditions. In cases of more minor infractions, a player's account may be suspended, which often serves as a warning. Being frozen is usually permanent, although it is possible to petition The Neopets Team and convince them to un-freeze your account. Unfreezing is very rare, as the moderators usually freeze people for a good reason.

Many users complain that it is too easy to be frozen, and that freezing often occurs unfairly. For a more thorough summary of this complaint, along with a rebuttal, see Anti Neopian Movement.

A frozen account will display the simple message of This account has been disabled on its user lookup. No one will be able to create a new account with the username of the frozen account. The names of all pets belonging to that account will remain in the pet names database, and no new pets can be created with those names.

Because of the several meanings of the word frozen, slang for being frozen has popped up. It is often referred to as being iced, sometimes with references to Iceland. Someone who is reporting an infraction on the NeoBoards may tell the offender to "have fun in Iceland," for example.

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