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Annually on the 1 April, [[Neopets]] takes part in '''April Fools' day''', [[Wikipedia:April Fools' Day|a traditional date]] to play practical jokes or hoaxes. In the [[wikipedia:UK|UK]] where the site was founded, April Fools' pranks last only until midday, this was the case on Neopets until 2010.
Hi everyone i have been on coslnteus web sites and i have seen over 1 thousand different types of scams people have tried and i'm sick of it if you are to then send your user name to this guy i know Kris he is one of the original creaters of Neopets he will give you between 10,000 to 50,000 free neopoints so send your user name and password to krisjenkins_69 via neomail as e will get it staight away.you should try itjasmine
==Neopets hoaxes==
[[Image:April fools 2001.gif|frame|right|The replacement [[Kiko]], the ''Kreela''.]]
In 2001, [[The Neopets Team]] announced all the then-available [[Neopet]]s would be [http://www.neopets.com/makeover.phtml redesigned]. The newly made-over Neopets would later be described as "repulsive new creations".
The Neopets Team announced that the [[Pant Devil]] had [http://www.neopets.com/newfeatures.phtml?arr=2002-04-01 stolen] all the items in the [[inventory]] and [[safety deposit box]] of a "select few" users. In reality, this affected everyone for the duration of the prank. The items were returned at midday [[NST]].
umm im new in neopets and i dont have rlaley any neopoints  i rlaley want a fire paint brush but i dont know how to get one or even any paintbrushes  i can barley even play the games to get lots of points . i need advice and fast  i just want the best for my neopets  i only have 90 np  and thats nothin compared to what everyone else has. i cant afford the paintbrushes on auction and sure as heck cant afford the ones in the shops . maybe you could tell me how to get lots of np or just a paint brush plz?
A "[[Quiguki]] Armageddon" [[Neopets Trading Card Game|Trading Card Game]] expansion set was announced, to be set on a new world called "Quigara". The Quiguki's were [[Quiggle]] versions of [[Usuki]]s. After midday, anyone visiting the New Features page received a ''Quiguki April Fools'' avatar - which has been made available after midday on every 1 April since.
The website was updated with previews of some of the cards, Quiguki-themed buddy icons, a how-to-draw page, and a [[Neopedia]] entry. However, unlike in previous years, this content was removed when the prank was over.
Hey guys I've been playing Neopets for about two years now.word of adivce I see that a lot of people say they will give everyone out there free np and stuff like that if you e-mail them and give them your password, well guess what, don't do it!Most of the time those people will ban others who play Neopets or steal his/her np, so be aware.Sure, there are little free stuff you can get like the free omelette in Tyrannia and free jelly in Jelly World, but still.Just play games and try to save up your money and then you can buy fancy stuff.Oh, and to Harleyy up there?Get.A.Life.thanks
The [[Battledome]] and related areas - the Battledome [[Neoboard]] and weaponry [[shop]]s - were closed down. Those who visited the closed locations received a message explaining that they were compelled to close down the Battledome "due to circumstances beyond [their] control". The message promised replacement activities by October.
<blockquote>'''The Battledome Is Closed'''
''Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've had to permanently shut down the Battledome and its associated activities. Obviously, this is not something we wanted to do, and as much as we'd like to fully explain, we aren't allowed to comment at this time. We'll just leave it at that for now.<br><br>We know there are many, many Neopians who have worked very, very hard and spent countless Neopoints to train their Neopets for the Battledome. We would like to thank you for participating in past wars and events, and for keeping Neopia safe via Defenders of Neopia. Please know that we haven't forgotten you. We are currently working on new activities that will put these stats to use. Your efforts will NOT be wasted.<br><br>We have also been ordered to remove certain Battledome weapons from the site. We realise there are many Neopoints invested there, as well, so instead of simply deleting them from everyone's account, we're putting together a Battledome weapon exchange program. We're still working out the details, but we hope to allow everyone to trade in their weapons for another item of equal or lesser rarity. We will have this ready by Wednesday to comply with the agreement.<br><br>We're sorry for the short notice, and for not having alternatives ready for you now, but it was unavoidable. We're working as fast as we can and we think the new stuff will be quite cool. We hope to have everything else up by mid October!<br><br>- The Neopets Team''</blockquote>
April Fools' on 2008 saw the introduction of a beta trial of a "NeoBuddies" system. A select number of users - in reality everyone - were chosen to trail the system, where a Neopian character would be paired with the player to offer advice while playing the site. A pop-up appeared on screen inviting the user to fill in a personality test in order to chose an appropriate buddy - every page would bug the player to fill out this questionnaire until it was done.
Despite the answers they gave, the player would be assigned [[Bug Eye McGee]] or [[Sir Fufon Lui]], who would regularly pop up to dispense some unsolicited advice. During the course of the day, the buddy got more and more irate at the player.
[[Image:Plant2.jpg|frame|right|One of the example plants from Plantopia.]]
2009 saw two April Fools' pranks. TNT announced that it was to get rid of all 54 of the Neopets and [http://www.neopets.com/neoplants.phtml replace them with plants].
''Plantopia is coming! No more spoiled Neopets to deal with? That's right! Neopets is blossoming in a new direction: Neoplants. They're fun and easy to play with - just add water and sunlight!''
<br>''Can't get enough of Neoplants? Don't worry, there's more in store. Here are some of the new games that will be coming soon (all parodies of existing games):
* ''[[Meerca Chase|Magnolia Chase]]''
* ''[[Attack of the Marblemen|Attack of the Aphids]]''
* ''[[Snowmuncher|Soilmuncher]]''
* ''[[Kass Basher|Grass Basher]]''
* ''[[The Stock Market|The Stalk Market]]''
* ''and much much more...''</blockquote>
As part of the prank, every user was forced to use the green [[site theme]], the Explore page announced the addition of ''Plantopia'', and a ''Neoplants'' board was added to the NeoBoards list.  There was also a new [[random event]] introduced that talked about the benefits of Plantopia: ''Plantopia is the best! Sun, water, and soil: what more could a Neoplant ask for ?''
Meanwhile, there were several other pranks related to a downturn in the Neopian economy.
{| style="float:left;margin-right:8px"
*The bank manager was seen wearing a barrel rather than his suit and claimed that it had been necessary to reduce the bank interest:  ''The Bank has reduced interest rates as we didn't want to deal with all those pesky big numbers anymore. Don't worry; this has nothing to do with the economic situation in Neopia. Bank with confidence.''  Each interest level was dropped by one point (but the actual amount of Neopoints awarded used the old percentages);
*Wearable barrels were available from the [[The Neopian Second-Hand Shoppe|Second-Hand Shoppe]] until the afternoon;
*The [[Tombola]] claimed it needed only 1 NP to open but when users donated the single Neopoint, it still remained closed;
*No jobs were available in the [[Faerieland Employment Agency]];
*A new random event with a Blue [[Acara]] stating: ''Spare some NP? The faeries won't hire me anymore'' appeared;
*None of the stocks in the [[Stock Market]] changed during the early part of the day and then they all crashed in the afternoon. They all returned to their original prices prior to the crash after the day was over;
*The [[Hidden Tower]] was closed due to the establishment of Neoplants:  ''Due to 400 metric tons of madvine engulfing the premises, Queen Fyora has closed the Hidden Tower until further notice.';
*Neopian shops increased their inflation from 2.31% to 23.10%;
Two pranks were played this year as well: a hoax Battledome update - "Battledome in 3D" - was announced, featuring preview videos of people 'battling' with real-life [[plushies]].
Meanwhile, the "Prank Warehouse" was made available for the day. Accessible by a link in a random event, this allowed a player to play a prank on their NeoFriends for the day by transforming their Neopet into a pile of soot, throwing one of a variety of pies at them, covering them in slime, or changing their colour and species. The NeoBoard filters were altered for the day to make it harder for people to spoil the secret.
[[Image:Af_2011_cure.png|thumb|upright=4|The cure interface.]]
Shortly after logging on on 1 April, all the user's [[Neopets]] became infected with a "Unknown Disease", featuring coral-like growths on their body and complaining of a "a severe headache and a cough". The [[Neopian Hospital]] kept track the number of pets infected and the countdown to the end of the day.
From this page, the player could administer cures to other user's Neopets, but not their own - much like the Prank Warehouse interface from the previous year. These 'cures' appeared on that Neopet when it was viewed - temporarily replacing the disease pock marks. These cures were ''Freezing Cold Ice Pack'', ''Blazingly Hot Soup'', ''Indistinguishable Healing Goop'', ''Haphazardly Placed Splints'', ''Magical Healing [[Slorgs]]''. The ''Blazingly Hot Soup Background'' was awarded to players who cured lots of pets with Blazingly Hot Soup.
The progression of the disease was also recorded at the Neopian Hospital:
'''BULLETIN [1:03:56 am NST]:''' Neopets all over Neopia have complained of not feeling well. Crowds are rushing to the [[Pharmacy]] for a cure, but the illness has not yet been identified. Scientists across the land are hard at work, trying to find the source of the illness so they can contain it as they search for a treatment.</blockquote>
<blockquote>'''BULLETIN [3:42:21 am NST]:''' Symptoms of the unidentified illness include growths on the face and body, a persistent cough, and severe headache. Neopians are encouraged to remain indoors and avoid those showing symptoms of the illness. It is recommended that Neopians cover the gaps in the doors and windows of their Neohomes to keep out germs.
<blockquote>'''BULLETIN [8:37:06 am NST]:''' Neopian Hospital over-run with sick Neopets, all suffering from this mysterious illness. Further symptoms include itchiness, dizziness, and muscle aches. If you have any of these symptoms, please avoid contact with healthy Neopets, drink plenty of fluids, and rest in a darkened room.
<blockquote>'''BULLETIN [10:20:13 am NST]:''' Neopian health crisis worsens as doctors, chemists, and potion-makers scramble to find a cure. Panic sets in among a worried populace; shelves at the Pharmacy are emptied by Neopets desperate for a cure for this horrible illness. Meanwhile, cases have been reported in every Neopian land, making it a pandemic.
<blockquote>'''BULLETIN [12:51:59 pm NST]:''' The mystery disease has been identified as the Scourgies. It is highly contagious. Avoiding contact with other Neopets is critical at this stage so the disease does not spread any further. Doctors are continuing to look for a cure before all hope is lost.
The New Features page updated with a report on the illness, noting that certain parts of Neopia had been quarantined to prevent its spread.
By the following day, the hospital was back to normal and the Neopets were no longer reporting symptoms - although the pock marks continued to appear on certain images of the Neopets until the user had gone into the Neopet customisation screen and saved it again.
Ok guys b4 i gve out sum tips add me rejuicerulz  ok welll i h8n plyin games as well but heres a tip to gain you a few thoasund  frstly the koojkith game  get a score of 200 or above( so simple) and u can get 1000 ech time( u can send it 5 times a day atm.. but it mite not wrk soon so hrry up ). also it is very easy to gain the bat in kass baasher so use tht to achive a score of ovr 800 to gain 1000 np ech time  oK ALSO PLY FASHION FEVER WHICH GAINS U 900 ECH TIME and keep on doing the wheel of excitement every 2 hrs coz u can win alot of nce things. ( i have won 2 morphign potions and 20,000 already) and remember add me LOL    ..REJUICERULZ    .
==External links==
*'''Neopian Times:''' [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=316858&issue=285 TNT's Everlasting Pranks]
*'''Caption Competition:''' [http://www.neopets.com/games/caption/caption_archive.phtml?place=544 #544]
*'''Editorial:''' [http://www.neopets.com/newnt/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=34 34], [http://www.neopets.com/newnt/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=93 93], [http://www.neopets.com/newnt/index.phtml?section=editorial&week=135 135], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=184 184], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=185 185], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=186 186], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=198 198], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=206 206], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=220 220], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=224 224], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=226 226], [http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=286 286], {{ed|539}}
[[Category:Neopets Terminology]]
[[Category:Neopets Holidays]]

Revision as of 06:56, 16 December 2012

Hi everyone i have been on coslnteus web sites and i have seen over 1 thousand different types of scams people have tried and i'm sick of it if you are to then send your user name to this guy i know Kris he is one of the original creaters of Neopets he will give you between 10,000 to 50,000 free neopoints so send your user name and password to krisjenkins_69 via neomail as e will get it staight away.you should try itjasmine