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Delina, the crafting faerie, loves tinkering with NC Mall items and devising new creations.

Delina, also known as the crafting faerie, is a Dark Faerie who loves collecting and crafting NC Mall items. She was first introduced on February 8, 2011, as part of the Faerie Quest event.

Crafting Quest

The Crafting Faerie Delina is unique, because the items she requests determines the reward received. There are four crafting items sold in the NC Mall, each for 75 NC. Delina will ask for two different items from the user.

Item One Item Two Reward
Copper Wire Pieces of Wire Inside a Clock Tower Background
Copper Wire Silk Flowers Flower and Wire Garland
Copper Wire Spools of Silk Thread Woven Silk Wing
Woven Silk Wings Pieces of Wire Braided Metal Umbrella with Silk Flowers
Woven Silk Wings Silk Flowers Silk Stitched Metal Jacket
Pieces of Wire Silk Flowers Silk Wig with Flowers


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