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[[Image:Swashbucklers Academy1.JPG|right|frame|Cap'n Threelegs' missing leg has dubious origins.]]

'''Cap'n Threelegs''' (also known as ''Lefty'') is a [[Pirate]] [[Eyrie]] who trains [[Neopet]]s at the [[Swashbuckling Academy]], introduced on August 28, 2001.
Cap'n Threelegs is a veteran Pirate who used to served aboard the [[S.S. Peophintine]] for many decades until he accepted to become head of the Swashbuckling Academy. In exchange for accepting the job, he was pardoned of crimes which stemmed from his pirating. He now spends his days training Neopets to fight, passing wisdom, and telling otherwise tall tales to those who are willing to listen.
Threelegs has a peg-leg where his right front leg would be, which he lost in a freak accident with [[Tombola]]. He's too embarrassed to admit this, however, and continues to tell a tale of how he lost it during a fight with a monstrous [[Krawk]]. Residents of [[Krawk Island]] realize it's a tall tale, but enjoy listening to it more than the truth.
Cap'n Threelegs has a special section in the Swashing Academy where he can share a collection of sayings. Below are all those collected...
*''Argg, shiftless waisters! Either shape up or I'll have ye walkin' the plank!''
*''Aye, I could murder a Hot Dog right now!''
*''For the more expensive [[dubloon]]s, use the [[Dubloon-O-Matic]]''
*''Greetings to ya one and all. Pull up a keg of [[Neocola]], and set a-spell.''
*''I be the finest swordsman in this whole island!''
*''If ye be not paying, I'll maroon ya, you swag-bellied haggard!''
*''Me courses can last a while, but arrr, they are worth it!''
*''Some say there be gold buried in the ruins of [[Maraqua]]...''
*''Ye don't happen to have any of those orange Dubloons do yer?''
*''Yer wouldn't fetch me a nice cool smoothie now would yer?''
*As of December 2007, Cap'n Threelegs is featured in 3 different [[item]]s, including a dish (''Capn Threelegs Cutlass Crusade'') at [[The Golden Dubloon]].
*The [[Neopedia]] article ''Captain Threelegs'' was released on September 14, 2001.
==External links==
*[http://www.neopets.com/pirates/academy.phtml Swashbuckling Academy - ''Main''], [http://www.neopets.com/pirates/academy.phtml?type=sayings Swashbuckling Academy - ''Sayings'']
*'''Neopedia:''' [http://www.neopets.com/neopedia.phtml?neopedia_id=114 Captain Threelegs], [http://www.neopets.com/neopedia.phtml?neopedia_id=135 Captain Threelegs: How I Lost Me Leg]
*'''NeoDeck:''' [http://www.neopets.com/games/neodeck/colcardlookup.phtml?colcard_id=92 Captain Threelegs]
*'''Caption Competition:''' [http://www.neopets.com/games/caption/caption_archive.phtml?place=214 #214], [http://www.neopets.com/games/caption/caption_archive.phtml?place=577 #577]

Revision as of 22:54, 28 June 2008