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:Shucks! It's worth 110,000,000 points.... --[[User:AchyfiLover|AchyfiLover]]
:Shucks! It's worth 110,000,000 points.... --[[User:AchyfiLover|AchyfiLover]]
==internet help=
==internet help==
you know, how in the home address thing that says the homepages url, when you type something it gives you the thing that is logner than what are you going to type, how do you get rid of it, and when I don't add the page to my favorites why does it add? --AchyfiLover
you know, how in the home address thing that says the homepages url, when you type something it gives you the thing that is logner than what are you going to type, how do you get rid of it, and when I don't add the page to my favorites why does it add? --AchyfiLover
:What are you talking about? Does this even have to do with the NeoDex?
:I'm going to make an assumption. The NeoDex main page? You're typing [http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex] and getting [http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex/index.php/Main_Page http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex/index.php/Main_Page]? That's because "http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex" directs there. it's ''the main page''. --[[User:Jacob|Jacob]] 20:32, 8 Aug 2007 (UTC)
::not what i meant. i mean, for example i type www.n in the address bar and it says www.neopets.com, how do i get rid of the url in the adress bar, the longer version? --achyfilover
First, thank you for explaining. Second, why are you bothering this with us? This is not an issue with the neodex, but with ''web browsers'' in general. What you are describing is NOT a problem either. the browser is simply showing a helpful list of quick links based off of places you visited before.
Anymore discussion or questions on this and you will be blocked for a period of time. --[[User:Jacob|Jacob]] 21:19, 8 Aug 2007 (UTC)
:Oh i won't ask this anymore, since i found better forums how do i deactivate or delete my account on pinkpt? --achyfilover
:when i say this, i mean still being available to look at pinkpt.com/neodex/index.php/Main_Page, i just mean wihtout an account and still being able to look a pinkpt.com without an account. --achyfilover
::Sorry...I just have to say...How do you get off thinking that THIS is a forum? When you say "better" you imply that you think this is one. Last time I checked, this was a wiki for info about the Neopets site, not a place you can chat and ask questions. I've read a lot of these posts of yours and I can't help feeling that you do it intentionally to aggravate the people here. If you really wanted help you should have asked on a forum that advertises itself as such, including the Neopets Boards where you can almost always get help. --[[User:Cath|Cath]] 03:03, 10 Aug 2007 (UTC)
:::Thank you Cath. And to answer your question, achyfilover, your account won't be deactivated or deleted. It's here to stay, for you to use in the future (unless you should be blocked), just like regular neopet accounts. Nor does it have to do with other PinkPT related things, such as the shoutbox or the forum. It's exclusive for the NeoDex. --[[User:Jacob|Jacob]] 04:33, 10 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Do you mean that no one can deacivate it, meaning I can or what do you mean by that? if the answer is i CAN deacivate it since i don't know what you mean, then i have just moved to the wikipedia. or are you saying if i ask to be deacivated, it never will be? Jacob, I have two reasons so I can deactivate the account:
#I have found the real Wikipedia.
#I do not want to be hacked anymore.
:Did you know Neopets does not delete accounts unless they are very positive it won't be missed? That a user won't someday show up and use it? So no one else can recreate the account and claim to be that person? It's the same here AchyfiLover. Your account won't be deactivated, and doesn't need to be.
:The NeoDex is here for all to edit as an expanded version of what Wikipedia would allow (because over 75% of what we have here is in-depth, which Wikipedia wouldn't allow). And be wary: Judging by your editing behaviour here, you're bound to get in trouble quicker at Wikipedia. So don't go there thinking you will be treated differently, because they are just as strict, if not more so.
:And what do you mean you don't want to be hacked "''anymore''"? --[[User:Jacob|Jacob]] 22:19, 10 Aug 2007 (UTC)
If you do not which to use your neodex account any more, just don't... log into it and use it. :/ --[[User:Macbeth|Macbeth]] 22:13, 14 Aug 2007 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 22:13, 14 August 2007

Help articles[edit]

I will go create some help articles via hot. :) -- This comment was left unsigned by AchyfiLover (talk | contribs)

...O...kay. Look forward to seeing your edits. :) --Jacob 14:38, 13 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Oh, I will. I am a Neopets Genius like Sarah the Zafara! Really, I am. -- This comment was left unsigned by AchyfiLover (talk | contribs)
Okay. I am lookin' forward to helpful articles and beating the Mummy. Only 1 win on him, only 1 draw. Never lost. :) --AcyfiLover

A couple of notices...

  1. Do not remove yours or other messages when you post them on a talk page. you can strike through them to say they are no longer valid, but never delete them. It's important to know what you and others have said so it doesn't need to be repeated.
  2. Use the show preview button and the edit summary when making your edits. this will help other editors immensly.
  3. Your "genius" will be viewed in how well you edit the NeoDex, and understand wiki coding and the layout of the NeoDex as a whole. Be sure to learn.
  4. Sign your posts on talk pages. ;)

Looking forward to seeing your edits. --Jacob 14:54, 13 Jul 2007 (UTC)

I am very happy making help articles. I made a lot of them so far, doing so well. So far, I beat the Chia Clown more than 50 times, my neogoal! My next neogoal is to beat the esophagor :P --AchyfiLover 15:01, 13 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Here is a question, are the Ominous Stones & Black Elm still available? I want to make up for when I lost to those challengers. --AchyfiLover 15:13, 13 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Jacob, do you know why my article 'Ghostker' that has the correct articles is for deletion? That article is for deletion and don't know why. --AchyfiLover
Every striked words AchfiLover has is not for you to be read :p


Oh help, I cannot undo my striked sentence that says "Every striked AchyfiLover has is not for you to read", and I want to undo it!--AchyfiLover

You are allowed to edit your user page as you see fit. The editing and deleting of messages in your user talk is not permitted, because as stated, it would take out what you or others have already said, making others who see your talk page think something hasn't been said yet. --Jacob 04:09, 19 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Editing behavior[edit]

I have quite a few notes about your edits.

  1. Do NOT make articles which have sentences as their titles. Most likely nobody will search for them and they won't be read.
  2. Do NOT make articles which barely contain information.
  3. Do NOT include smilies and things like "sorry no picture of it". People want content, not excuses. If you can not present them this content for any reason (e.g. you can not find the picture), I understand it, but there is no need to point this out to the reader.
  4. Do NOT sign your edits except on talk pages. If everybody would do, we would have more signatures than content.

--Demon 22:00, 13 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Seeing as you have very random behaviour, and considering the edits, i'm goving you this one warning. Please follow it: You will no longer create new articles. You have lost this leisure as an editor. Those which you have created are either pointless or have very little or no information. They are not helpful. You are making others have to work harder to fix your mistakes.
If I see you create anymore articles, you will be blocked for a certain amount of time. You can still edit alread created articles, and should your editing skill improve in the future i may allow you to create new articles, but for now, if i see any new ones you will be blocked. Thank you for your interest in the NeoDex, but please follow through on my request. :( --Jacob 23:15, 13 Jul 2007 (UTC)
I..see. I will follow this request so you will not block me. --AchyfiLover
I am pretty busy, so I can probably reply every 3 times in 4 weeks. --AchyfiLover

Is there any chance we can see you edit something other than your user page with random information? --Jacob 23:19, 15 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Nope, unless you tell me I can create articles again that are more helpful. I do not want to be blocked. --AchyfiLover
To clarify, the articles you were creating were not helpful. And I said you could edit other articles, just not create new ones. Editing articles will not get you blocked, unless you are doing something very wrong. --Jacob 01:41, 16 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Okay, I will edit others, for extra info, like to say the game is unavailable, battledome challenger is unavailable or any others that will provide extra info. --AchyfiLover


  1. Do not put new information at the very bottom of an article. Find a proper place to put it within the article.
  2. If you don't know where to place new information, bring it up in that's articles discussion.
  3. Learn proper editing skills by seeing the examples of other editors. A good list can be seen in the NeoDex:Community Portal.

I hope this helps. --Jacob 01:59, 16 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Okay, it does help. I will try testing my wiki-skills in the sandbox.--AchyfiLover
Okay, I am collecting info about this challenger, if you have info about:

Flea Ridden Snow Beast - I want to fight! --AchyfiLover

That challenger also is unavailable. You know, just assume a challenger is unavailable if it can be linked to a plot. Only a very few characters like that are regular battledome opponents. Jacob has given some very important advice, and I hope you will listen to it. I'd also like to note that, since you cannot make new articles, you can always ask someone else (a regular editor) to do it for you. If that person deems the subject worthy of its own page, then you can be happy because you can edit the article and in some way, still are capable of creating new articles; and we can be happy because we get a worthy new article in the NeoDex. DreamingLady 06:07, 16 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Hmm, okay. Thanks, I am collecting info about lots and lots of challengers. I am now collecting info about the challenger 'Meuka' and how to get the challenger. I want Meuka as a challenger, so I get DoN mission 4 trophy! AchyfiLover


Thanks for telling me, the newbie in PinkPT. I never knew! I am the "newbie".



I am having a busy period, so I am currently not online for 24 hours. --AchyfiLover

more help[edit]

Okay, my question is how to get Lisha as a battledome challenger. Oh I want to fight that worker aisha! --AchyfiLover

Lisha hasn't been available to fight for years. Only time was during the Champions of Meridell plot. In fact, I don't think any Aisha is currently available to fight.

Next time, please check the Battledome Database before asking a battledome related question. DreamingLady 20:13, 14 Jul 2007 (UTC)
In fact, Neodex is not created for the purpose of asking questions (whether battledome related or not), but for collecting information.--Demon 21:40, 14 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Boo Hoo, Lisha is unavailable. :( Well, at least I learned something :) Lisha was probably a challenge to fight her when she was available. I fought lots and lots of challengers :O --User:AchyfiLover

Editing style[edit]

Please try to keep an encyclopaedic tone when editing articles. --Macbeth 12:13, 16 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Okay.... :) --AchyfiLover

Talk:Ravenous Monster[edit]

The article is wrong isn't it? It says hiis starting HP is 15, when I fought with him it was 75. Is it really 15? --AchyfiLover

Really, when I fought with him his hp was 75, but when I looked at the battledome database it said 15. --AchyfiLover

Talk:Petpetpet Horde[edit]

Before TNT takes this opponent out of the battledome, how do I get Petpetpet horde as an opponent? I HAVE checked In-Depth Battlepedia, all it says is 'War Opponent'. Petpetpet Horde, currently the opponent I am now collecting info about. --AchyfiLover

The definition of a war opponent is that you can only battle him during a war (see plot, 2nd paragraph).--Demon 18:11, 17 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Oh yeah, the plot ended. War has ended. Guess I'll have to wait for another one so I can join the fun in the battledome! --AchyfiLover

Talk:Tax Beast[edit]

Do you really have to get your neopoints stolen by the Tax Beast to get this challenger? I am collecting info about challengers, and about Tomato Chias, If you know any tomato chias that exist in Neopia, as I don't. I will be hunting for challengers, fighting them, fighting the training dummy to restore my pet's hit points! --AchyfiLover

more stuff, interesting[edit]

Hmm, I'm wondering.....I am going to help save Neopia from the war, I don't know what the next one would be. I suppose that it will never be too late to challenge the tax beast, no matter which weapons I use on him . --AchyfiLover

more about Lisha at the link at the side. Lisha

If you do not want your account Frozen, read the Neopets Terms And Conditions.

"New" user?[edit]

AchyfiLover? Is the new user KacheekLover you? KacheekLover signed with your name, so...

If this is the case, it would be prefered you used one accoutn in editing the NeoDex, and not confuse other editors. --Jacob 04:13, 19 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Eh, the truth is....nope. I have not created another account. That was just probably someone who knew about me and likes kacheeks! That person probably forgot. And has an obsession over me!---AchyfiLover

Okay, it is not me, I am honest. They like me, they like kacheeks, owns 4 kacheeks, and forgets a lot. --AchyfiLover

... because that would be stunningly normal and predictable behaviour... ¬.¬
User:KacheekLover is your puppet. Nothing wrong with that, but try not to flitter back and forth between accounts for editing, it may confuse other editors. --Macbeth 20:28, 19 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Actually, i will go one step further: You have just said that KacheekLover isn't you. If it's found you lied to us, you are banned. Period. --Jacob 21:47, 19 Jul 2007 (UTC)
User:KacheekLover is not me, this person forgets, obviously... --AchyfiLover
As you have stated. So you have nothing to worry about. I'm just making the facts known you you are aware (as will others who are reading this). --Jacob 22:09, 19 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Yep, I have nothing to worry about. Okay?

As a fact, someday, I will win the wars of neopia, to protect the neopians in Neopia's worlds! --AchyfiLover

:And another fact, I will freeze Kauvara, and I will stop tieing and losing against her. --AchyfiLover


Finally, I learned how to insert images to my user page! --AchyfiLover

You could just have asked, you know. Oh, and recall the show preview button, dear. --Macbeth 23:01, 23 Jul 2007 (UTC)

...Okay...I am going to preview my messages and all that. I got the baby kacheek funimages into my page! AchyfiLover

Busy periods[edit]


And a break did it. --User:AchyfiLover 23:05 Jul 23, 2007 (UTC)
I am now on VACATION, and I am on dialy now. :) --AchyfiLover


Did anyone notice neovia ISN'T in the haunted woods anymore? Click http://www.neopets.com/halloween/neovia.phtml and copy the URL to visit neovia.

Um, it's still in the HW in-story (a whole city can't just move) and as part of the site (proven by the "halloween" part in the URL) DreamingLady 06:56, 24 Jul 2007 (UTC)
It still is there? Is it hidden like the hidden tower, I just know it is located in Haunted Woods so I guessed the URL. --AchyfiLover

Two words. Gypsy Camp. ;) --Jacob 03:51, 25 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Like Jacob said, there's a link from the Gypsy Camp to Neovia. I guess the reason it can't be excessed more directly is because of the plot's setup. It hasn't been changed since then. But TNT has stated that, as part of the still on-going Neopets 2.0 project, they want to redraw quite a few maps. Considering the Deserted Fairgrounds looks like a mess in the left half, Neovia isn't directly part of the map and the Gypsy Camp also seems to be placed just where there was place for it, I guess the HW map will be among the ones that'll get a redraw "soon". DreamingLady 06:19, 25 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Okay, I can try going to the Gypsy Camp spot in Haunted Woods. AchyfiLover


Is Razul a plot opponent? I want to battle him, I noticed you get 100,100 BD points for beating him in the battledome once. --AchyfiLover

He's a plot opponent. Create these talk topics on the ARTICLE'S talk page. --Jacob 03:51, 25 Jul 2007 (UTC)

:How do I create talk topics on them? I do not currently know how to. --AchyfiLover

You should rather exceed your other sources before asking anywhere on Neodex. The appropriate place for battledome-related questions would be IDB, namely that page.--Demon 09:16, 25 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Okay. --AchyfiLover

Mayor Thumburt (3rd form)[edit]

Does anyone know a user who beat Mayor Thumburt (3rd form), every user who fought him lost! :( --AchyfiLover

For the record, it was marina_87. --Macbeth 02:47, 30 Jul 2007 (UTC)
I saw that! :) A 37 HP pet can beat someone with a million HP? How come Razul offers more points in BD score than Mayor Thumburt? --AchyfiLover

Trying to annoy?[edit]

I'm beginning to believe you are just creating talk pages to annoy others, because almost all of what you have been saying is obvious information in the article, stated in other related articles, can be seen or viewed by simple browsing of Neopets, or is pointless. Also, you stated you have no time to be editing, yet every day you are creating new talk pages. I'm baffled by your actions to say the least. :( --Jacob 00:44, 30 Jul 2007 (UTC)

To put it another way - which, indeed, I have - "[y]our multitude of irrational observations and assumptions seem to completely disregard all available evidence apparent to even a cursory review". --Macbeth 02:24, 30 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Please, I am innocent. Okay, I will stop making discussion pages, for example, Talk:How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days, and I am NOT trying to ANNOY others. Please dont think that. :( --AchyfiLover
Some general tips on how to change your edit behaviour for the better:
  1. Stop editing you own User Page so much. User Pages don't have meaning to the NeoDex other than giving the editors some space of their own. It isn't helpful at all if all you do is editing (or otherwise, mostly only editing) your User Page.
  2. Stop mentioning your personal ambitions on Neopets.com. How exactly is the fact you want to beat [random enemy X] significant to us or the NeoDex? And if you're too busy to edit for some time, don't repeat it over and over again. Once is enough and most likely already too much if it's only for 2 days at the most (I doubt you were even gone that long).
  3. Just because you only have to add a small detail to a page, doesn't mean you can do it carelessly. Sentences like "It's a bummer, but she won't fight anymore." are not really encyclopedic. First of all, never add something personal to the article, like your opinion ("it's a bummer") or any sentence containing the word "I" or "me". Secondly, the example sentence itself wouldn't add anything to an article, as it needs explanation.
  4. In addition to .3, you tend to put random info on random places in articles. Always try to add it to the main text in a natural way. If that is impossible, add it to the Trivia section.
  5. ALWAYS check if what you want to add isn't already stated in the article. Same goes for asking questions: check the article before you ask. It's really annoying how you ask for answers on questions that, with only one active brain cell, can be easily found in the NeoDex. It's emberrassing if an EDITOR is unable to find what he/she is looking for.
  6. Use the Show Preview button. DreamingLady 08:39, 30 Jul 2007 (UTC)
I will follow these, and does this mean I can still make discussion pages? As of what users said, I believe it is not okay. --User:AchyfiLover
You are free as a bird to use the Discussion Pages; provided that you use them the way they are meant to be used. Use them if you are unsure whether a certain edit should be made. Use them if you think something significant should be changed. Use them if you need certain information (that you wish to add) and would have a hard time finding on your own (meaning that you at least attempted to find it on your own). However, do not create DPs for nonexistant articles. Do not ask for info only important for you ("how do I get[]"). Do not spam DPs with info already in the article, unrelated info, questions that can be answered by reading the article etc. DreamingLady 17:01, 30 Jul 2007 (UTC)
You may still edit pages. You may still edit, and create, discussion pages. Jacob's ruling on the creation of new pages still stands.
If you are adding something to an article's discussion, it should be about the article's content - how information is portrayed, the factual accuracy of a certain statement, a query about what further data could be added, etc. It is not a discussion forum. If you are asking a question on the subject, read the article first.
The Neodex is a repository of information. If you have a question about a Neopets topic, you may very likely be able to find something about it already available here.
When adding new information to an article, find an appropriate place in the prose to insert it. Text on an article should keep an encyclopaedic tone of voice.
Shall we start a fresh, hmm? Follow these instructions, and let us see if we can start off on a better foot. :¬) --Macbeth 17:09, 30 Jul 2007 (UTC)
<u. I will find an appropriate place to put new informatoin on an article. Oh yeah, by the way, does anyone think The Tax Beast is a green yurble? --AchyfiLover
This is the kind of question to ask on the DP of the Tax Beast article. But to answer your question: look at details such as the ears. The Halloween Yurble only seems to resemble the Tax Beast. The Tax Beast is most likely not a Yurble. DreamingLady 10:52, 31 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Hmmmmmm, I really wonder what the the tax beast is... --AchyfiLover

You have been told over 3 times to use the show preview button. You could have used this to see how your edits for your user page were doing instead of saving them. Do something like this again, and you WILL be blocked. Final. --Jacob 23:05, 2 Aug 2007 (UTC)

I won't do it anymore, I promise. --AchyfiLover signed this

Hmm, I will go edit my user page. This time, I WILL use the show perview button. By the way, how did you know that? --AchyfiLover

Cocoa Puffs: Amazing Chase[edit]

Now, why is the article named Cocoa Puffs: Amazing Race instead of Cocoa Puffs: Amazing Chase? --AchyfiLover

Construction vs. stub[edit]

Whenever an artcle is missing wiki images, proper sections, or a proper summary of the subject, it's "under construction". If it has all the proper sections but is missing tidbits of data, then it's a "stub". so if an article is "under construction", it's not a "stub". ;) --Jacob 10:43, 31 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Oh, I get the point now. Now I will just put some "stub" marks and some "constructionn" ones, on the articles. --signed by achyfilover

Currently, on the Galgarroth page, I put a "on construction" mark, since there is the battledome section that one of us should fill up. It can't be me, I never participated in the war with Galgarroth. --AchyfiLover

You can research it as well as the rest of us...? --Macbeth 00:28, 1 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Okay, I will, but if I do not find it, please do ont be unhappy with me as it is hard to find, even the In-Depth Battlepedia doesn't have it. --AchyfiLover
Have you tried their 1-Player Profiles section? --Jacob 01:24, 1 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Yep. I know the HP gain per win as it says that in there, but I just need the starting HP... I haven't found it yet, using two great search engines. --AchyiLover 01:27, 1 Aug 2007 (UTC)


What does it mean when you put the deletion mark (the one with a Metal Bin) on an article? --AchyfiLover

It means EXACTLY what it says...wen a template is place on an article, it means that editor is motioning to DELETE that acticle. --Jacob 02:12, 2 Aug 2007 (UTC)
NEVER EVER AGAIN put a template on a page if you don't know what it means. If you want to know what it looks like, use the PREVIEW BUTTON! Also, now that you know what it means, if you'd ever want to put something up for deletion, remember to state your reasons on the article's discussion page. DreamingLady 06:20, 2 Aug 2007 (UTC)
I won't.........--User:AchyfiLover

Show Preview button[edit]

This time I DID use the show preview button, look at its summary. I do not want to be BLOCKED, and this is true, not a lie. It is a fact I used the Show Preview button, I did! --AchyfiLover

Believe me, this is the truth. --AchyfiLover

Do you actually KNOW why we keep telling you to use the preview button? The preview button allows you to see what the page will look like if you save the changes you made. This way, if you aren't completely satisfied with the result, you can edit it some more before "permanently" saving the changes. Previewing is not stored in the NeoDex' log, saving edits is. You can vow low and high, swear on everything that is holy and unholy, but I do not believe you "used" the preview button. You made like 20 edits to your user page (which I told you to stop editing so much) to come to a rather unimpressive, hardly different end result. DreamingLady 05:53, 3 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Oh yeah, now I know why this is happening. This time, ONE more edit on the user page and no more in a month or two. --AchyfiLover
I use the random page link on the side of the page, and I use the Show Preview button when I edit articles. :O --AchyfiLover


Should the article, "Fountain Faerie be in the Special:Maintenance page? --signed by achyfilover

Why should it? --Demon 06:29, 4 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Oops, I made a mistake. I meant, why is it in the "mispelling" thing inSpecial:Maintenance? There are no misspellings. --achyfilover
In fact, there is a misspelling in the article. All of the articles on Neodex follow the language used on Neopets, which is UK English. The mistake is the word "color", as mentioned on the misspelling page. --SwordFire 16:28, 4 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Oh, now I see. I think I will fix a mispelling right now. :O --AchyfiLover
But there is an exception to this - The HTML code for changing colour is using US English, which is the reason why there are several articles listed as misspelled for this particular word.
Feel free to fix all the "true" misspelling on Neodex. ;) --SwordFire 16:36, 4 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Okay, I will. ;) I am trying to fix some stuff in the construction list and the Special:Maintenance list. --AchyfiLover

Never wiki link section titles. --Jacob 07:04, 7 Aug 2007 (UTC)

Way to get a Faerie Slingshot?[edit]

Is there another way to get this rare item other than through the trading post? Other than auctions, trading post? It'll help me win... --AchyfiLover

I believe there is a limit to the amount of NP you can give in the auction house, though i don't know for sure, which would prevent giving the full NP price. other than that, yeah, you're only going to find it in the trading post from another user. --Jacob 07:04, 7 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Shucks! It's worth 110,000,000 points.... --AchyfiLover

internet help[edit]

you know, how in the home address thing that says the homepages url, when you type something it gives you the thing that is logner than what are you going to type, how do you get rid of it, and when I don't add the page to my favorites why does it add? --AchyfiLover

What are you talking about? Does this even have to do with the NeoDex?
I'm going to make an assumption. The NeoDex main page? You're typing http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex and getting http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex/index.php/Main_Page? That's because "http://www.pinkpt.com/neodex" directs there. it's the main page. --Jacob 20:32, 8 Aug 2007 (UTC)
not what i meant. i mean, for example i type www.n in the address bar and it says www.neopets.com, how do i get rid of the url in the adress bar, the longer version? --achyfilover

First, thank you for explaining. Second, why are you bothering this with us? This is not an issue with the neodex, but with web browsers in general. What you are describing is NOT a problem either. the browser is simply showing a helpful list of quick links based off of places you visited before.

Anymore discussion or questions on this and you will be blocked for a period of time. --Jacob 21:19, 8 Aug 2007 (UTC)

Oh i won't ask this anymore, since i found better forums how do i deactivate or delete my account on pinkpt? --achyfilover
when i say this, i mean still being available to look at pinkpt.com/neodex/index.php/Main_Page, i just mean wihtout an account and still being able to look a pinkpt.com without an account. --achyfilover
Sorry...I just have to say...How do you get off thinking that THIS is a forum? When you say "better" you imply that you think this is one. Last time I checked, this was a wiki for info about the Neopets site, not a place you can chat and ask questions. I've read a lot of these posts of yours and I can't help feeling that you do it intentionally to aggravate the people here. If you really wanted help you should have asked on a forum that advertises itself as such, including the Neopets Boards where you can almost always get help. --Cath 03:03, 10 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Thank you Cath. And to answer your question, achyfilover, your account won't be deactivated or deleted. It's here to stay, for you to use in the future (unless you should be blocked), just like regular neopet accounts. Nor does it have to do with other PinkPT related things, such as the shoutbox or the forum. It's exclusive for the NeoDex. --Jacob 04:33, 10 Aug 2007 (UTC)

Do you mean that no one can deacivate it, meaning I can or what do you mean by that? if the answer is i CAN deacivate it since i don't know what you mean, then i have just moved to the wikipedia. or are you saying if i ask to be deacivated, it never will be? Jacob, I have two reasons so I can deactivate the account:

  1. I have found the real Wikipedia.
  2. I do not want to be hacked anymore.


Did you know Neopets does not delete accounts unless they are very positive it won't be missed? That a user won't someday show up and use it? So no one else can recreate the account and claim to be that person? It's the same here AchyfiLover. Your account won't be deactivated, and doesn't need to be.
The NeoDex is here for all to edit as an expanded version of what Wikipedia would allow (because over 75% of what we have here is in-depth, which Wikipedia wouldn't allow). And be wary: Judging by your editing behaviour here, you're bound to get in trouble quicker at Wikipedia. So don't go there thinking you will be treated differently, because they are just as strict, if not more so.
And what do you mean you don't want to be hacked "anymore"? --Jacob 22:19, 10 Aug 2007 (UTC)

If you do not which to use your neodex account any more, just don't... log into it and use it. :/ --Macbeth 22:13, 14 Aug 2007 (UTC)