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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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<font size="10">*****Suggestion for a new, 55th Neopet species!!!!!!<b>***** PLZ READ EVERYTHING!!!!!!!</b></font>
<!-- Eyrie Nu_Mou Moogles Dicynodont Bangaa [[Aisha]] JubJub Krawk Xweetok Acara Bruce Bori Lutari Koi Kiko Blumaroo Elephante Grarrl Flotsam Peophin Shoyru Pteri ixi Gnorbu Draik Xenosmilus - acaraize, aishaize, blumarooize, bruceize, draikize, elephantize, eyrieize, flotsamize, gnorbuize, grarrlize, grundoize, hissize, ixize, kikoize, koi-ize, lennize, lupeize, lutarize, moehogize, moogleize, nu mouize, pteri, shoyruize,  & xweetokize -->

<p>The Vermee, based on the 'Vermee', one of the 50 pet designs from the 2005 April Fools prank u guys did.
[[File:Lenny Ballerina.png]]

These are the most important facts (pros and cons):
<big>???EUKARYOTES???; ???EUKARYOTA???; ?OPISTHOKONTA?; ?OPISTHOKONTS?; ?Holozoans?; Filozoans; ANIMALIA; animals; metazoans; Subkingdom Eumetazoa; BILATERIANS; Deuterostomia; Deuterostomes; chordata; chordates; Subphylum Cephalochordata; Craniates; vertebrates; Vertebrata; Gnathostomata; Gnathostomes; TELEOSTOMI; TELEOSTOMES; Osteichthyes; Sacropterygians; Crossopterygii; Sacropterygii; Rhipidistia; Tetrapodomorpha; tetrapods; tetrapoda; Reptiliomorpha; Amniotes; Amniota; sauropsida; Sauropsids; Eureptilia; Romeriida; Romeriids; diapsida; diapsids; Neodiapsida; Archosauromorphs; Archosauromorpha; Archosauriformes; Crurotarsi; Archosauria; archosaurs; Avemetatarsalia; Ornithodira; Dinosauromorphs; Dinosauromorpha; Dinosauriformes; DINOSAURIA; dinosaurs; Saurischia; theropods; theropoda; Neotheropoda; Averostra; Tetanurans; tetanurines; Tetanurae; Orionides/Avifilopluma; Avetheropoda/Neotetanurae; Coelurosaurians; coelurosaurs; Tyrannoraptora; Maniraptoriformes; maniraptora; maniraptors; Chuniaoae/Aviremigia; Chuniaoans; paraves; Paravians; Eumaniraptora; Superfamily Troodontoidea/Saurornithoididae/Elopterygidae; Troodontidae; </big>

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<b>Scintific Name: Diobolicae pingheng</b> (pingheng meaning 'balanced' in Chinese because fossil modern vermees are found in china, also vermees evolved in china)
|width="20%" bgcolor="AQUAMARINE"|<span style="color:#000000;">Score: {{{2}}}</span>
|width="20%" bgcolor="LIGHTGREEN"|<span style="color:#000000;">Moves: {{{3}}}</span>
<b>hairless mammals, like a Tuskaninny or Skeith, but can have facial hair and peachfuzz; so a rainbow Vermee will be rainbow-skinned</b>
|height="200" colspan="3" bordercolor="#F0F0F0" valign=top| http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/153/1/3/nutrio_pirata__by_adrusaurio-d522myn.gif
<b>Should NOT be LIMITED EDITION!!!!!</b>
<b>Long ears that have finger-like tips (and resemble tufts) that acually <i>function like fingers!!!</i></b>
<li>You know how any other neopet can only equip <i>8 battledome items</i>? Well, beause of thier ears, Vermees can equip <i>12</i> items!!!!!
<li>Poor magic prowess
<li>Vermees have a fierce, competitive spirit.
<p>I needed to make real-world refernces so vermess can be understand better.<br>

This is the comcept drawing:
[http://www.neopets.com/art/gallery.phtml?place=1902 Flotsam Democracy!]
<img src="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/245/8/4/a_vermee_by_neonoumer581-d2xw5to.png" border="5"><br>
As u can see, I can't draw that well. If I could draw like u guys, I could, but I can't. If u guy do create the Vermee, *I hope <img src="http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/smilies/sad.gif" border="0">* don't use this drawing. Redraw it TNT style! I want the eyes to look slightly different in the final product.

http://www.spaceweather.go.kr/data/models/latest/ENLIL.jpg http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/ussat.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satak_.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/sathi_.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satusmexf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satuscamf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satusbrzf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satuscsamf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satuseurf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satisafrsf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satusmidef.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satusindiaf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satusasiaf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satusaustf.gif http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.element/img/3.0/weather/maps/satusnzldf.gif
<p><img src="http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100607031914/uncyclopedia/images/9/9c/Vermee_seen_from_the_side_almost.PNG" border="2"><br></p>
<p>Here's another look on the equisite vermee. That vermee is one handsome son of a gun! Anyway, I wanted to point out 2 things rendered in this drawing. Notice how his right ear is facing the back. Also, Vermees do not have perfecly circular heads; they are cheeky and have it very slightly raised in that area, as u can see with that tan line, kinda like kacheek and usul heads and vermees have raccoon features, don't forget!!!!!
<br><font size="6">__________Characteristics & Overview__________</font>
<p>At first glance, Vermees might be considered bunny-like like Cybunnies, but that is a vauge and incorrect conception. <b>They are in the Carnivora family, Procyonid so they are related to raccoons and coatis, keep that in mind, in the  genus Diobolicus, (meaning "fell bunny" or "hunter hare"), in which they are the only members. Vermees teeth and skulls should resemble a member of Procyonid.</b>
<p>They have good hearing and sense of smell, but normal eyesight and poor sense of touch. Many Vermees are agile, athletic and can jump high, especially the pre-teen and teen aged.
<p>As mentioned before, they are as hairless, only having small hair and peachfuzz in the ears, face, etc.
<p>Vermees live up to 110 years and thier prime lastes longer.
<p>I may have to mention that a vermee's feet resemble raccoons being related to them, they have 5 toes (or 4, either way but why u guys put 4 digits on neopets is beyond me). Thier hands look like raccoon forepaws. They have 5 digits (or 4, either way), but 3 fingers in thier ears. They Have Mynci-like tails (but not as long) and its prehensile!
They have extreamly short, squat tounges and are thick. They have big heads like kacheeks, but not that big. Much smaller.<br></p>
<p>In the Neopets TCG (if u guy ever do create new ones agian), Vermees are accociated with the <font color="green"><b>Earth</b></font> and/or <font color="purple"><b>Dark</b></font> elemets.
<p><font size="4"><b>_______Vermee's ears_______</b></font>
<p>The most noted feature of the Vermees. Thier ears are like 2 extra arms and hands. This awesome feature is very potent and unique to vermees (See in the section "Comments and reasons concering the Vermee idea and inpearation of thier creation" for otherwise ideas). Thier ears have cartilage and muscle (since they are almost like arms) and no bones, as thier ears are very flexable. Their ears are barley anything like a Cybunny's ears, other than being long. I mean, look at my Vermee Concept Drawing!<img src="http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0"></p>
<p>Thier "handy" prowess is even furthered, because they are equipped with 3 fingerlike projections (ear-fingers) at the tip of their ears that resemple that of elephant trunk "fingers". Natually, the muscle in thier ears is only slighty weaker that of thier arms and legs, but still that's pretty good! The Vermee's ear-fingers is sensitive enough to pick up a single blade of grass. Thier ears would function the same way arms would. There is absoleutly no difference of the ear apperarence between genders, although the fingers and ear length vary from Vermee, depending on subspecies or also called races, breeds or strains.
<p>When not used as arms, thier ears are commonly used to express emotion, like other animals.
<p>And because of thier appendage-like long-ears, this means that Vermees have 4 arms!!! Not to mention their tail and thier hand-like feet help alot! Vermees are the handiest neopets ever.
In short, <b>Awesome!</b><br><font size="4"><b>_______eyes_______</b></font><br></p>
<p>Vermee's eyes resemble Usuls'. Also, they have a better chance of getting heterochromia (one eye color different from the other) than humans. They can have the following colors:
<p>*Red, Purple, Orange, Blue, Gray, etc. Although the most common are Orange and steel gray.<br></p>
<p><font size="4"><b>_______Behaviour_______</b></font><br></p>
<p>Vermees are like killer bunnies, but not really. For example, Vermees, with thier instincts, can kill a super-visious baboon or maybe even a chimp! Prehistoric vermees used to gang up and kill a adult Gigantopithecus, which was a 1,000 lb prehistoric ape.
<p>One of the cons of Vermees is thier phobia of insects and spiders. Its because despite bugs being tiny, if Vermees see the faces enlarged, the'll get real spooked. This means that they cannot own bug looking petpets! They can have petpetpets, though<img src="http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/smilies/oh.gif" border="0">.
<p><font size="6">__________Color Designs__________</font>
<p>Royalboy and RoyalGirl Vermee's should be based off the Mayan culture, or in a neopian sense, Geraptiku. Mutant Vernees, well, you guys can design however you like, but cannot contain extra pairs of any limbs (i.e. ears or tails). Darigan vermees don't have wings. Baby Vermees have small and short ears. Oh, and plase give the Purple Vermees the orange spots like u used to do with the others <img src="http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/smilies/sad.gif" border="0">. (chias still have those spots)
<p><font size="6">__________Unnessesary Information but you MAY need to know__________</font>
<p>The average height (for generic Vermees and the ones in pics) is taller than u think. They are way bigger than JubJubs, Meercas and Kacheeks, slightly taller than Myncis, Chias and Grundos, and most of the time around the same height of Xweektoks, Zafaras, Acaras, Aishas, Poogles and Usuls. Of corse Grarrls, Skeith, etc. are bigger.
<p><img src="http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100607031317/uncyclopedia/images/b/bb/New_neopia_worlds.PNG" border="2"><br></p>
<p>Vermees come from this world called Bervenita. Just to let u know, this place's theme is Byzantine Empire-ish and a little Arab culture. It is acully considered a geographical region rather than a kingdom. Population is mostly Vermees, but many Neopet diversity is also found. <b>Petaria</b> (setting of <i>Petpet Adventures: The Wand of Wishing</i>) may or may not be found here. Different petpets reside in Bervenita, and different strains of other exotic ones too, such as Brown Forest Snow Beasts and even Badeeks (old versions of the Kacheek, remember? <b>See image below</b>)
<p><img src="http://www.nothingbutneopets.com/images/olditems/petsa/a_kacheek_01badeek.gif" border="0"></p>
<p>U guys can create the Bervenita world when ever u like, like in 2012 or in the future maybe.
<p>I'll tell u folks about Ogrin County some other time.<img src="http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/smilies/complain.gif" border="0"></p>
<p><font size="6">__________Comments and reasons concering the Vermee idea and inspiration of thier creation__________</font>
<p>Well, for starters, i had a lot of inspiration. An elephant's trunk, Vieras from the Final Fantasy series, Rabbits, tufts, Kacheeks, Usuls, Aishas, Cybunnies, drawings of rabbits with very long ears, Faeries, Hares, bunny-looking creatures from many video games, April Fool's pranks on neopets, real life, Xweetoks, and finally, the original Vermee concept from 2005!
<p>Okay, First of all, The vermee was a old, 2005 idea. The Neopet comcept came from u guys, and i did the rest. I first thought of my own Vermee thing in 2007. This version has long ears and tail, but no ear-fingers. It had high resilience and resistance to heat and cold alike, meaning they can walk in lava. This traits was later dropped on the final concept, although they can hold their breath underwater for 3 hours. The Modern vermee idea came to me around Feb 2010.
<p><font size="6">_______Ultimate reasom why I gave u guys this idea and not other ppl (IMPORTANT)_______</font>
<p>Well, I am a big fan of Neopets. Not only big, but loyal. Back when u guys had a vote of the 50 neopets of that 2005 April Foll's prank, the Vermee was about to see the light of day and get revamped, but the Llamameeah ended up winning and debuted later that year as the Gnorbu! Okay, even though I been on Neopets since 2004, I was not active in 2005, and when I came back later that year, I was impressed how many neopets were created in one year! During 2009, I have a hunch that u guys were just waiting for a 55th Neopet species come next day! I mean, The Lutari is the latest neopet so far, being made in 2006. I can't wonder what's all the wait, though.
<p>Anyway, reasom why I gave u guys this idea and not other companies is, well, I love neopets! And I trust U guys. Out of all the hundred intrest I have, Neopets is #1 for me. Always has. I wanted this idea to go to u guys. 'm the sole inventer of this idea, though and I own rights to it. Besides This was u guys idea pretty much anyway, and my idea of the "ear-arms" is brillient. Even I, the creator, my mind is blown on how this has to be my best idea I came up with in my life so far. I want my own idea to be showcased by u guys and I think u will do a great job! <b>I mean, the Zafara came out this way too back in that Create-A-Pet Competetion!</b>
<p>I want help u guys a few ways and I hope this idea improves my favorite little site, Neopets.
<p><font size="6">__________Final thoughts__________</font>
<p>Note: Underlined sentences trigger important facts of this Vermee thing!
<p>For starters, I am not sure if how useful this neopet would be. But think this, TNT. Compared to Xweektoks and Wockeys, would the Vermee stand out as in uesfulness and notabillity? Maybe, huh? Give my vermee idea some thought before ur final desision.
<p>So, in concusion, I would respect ur final desision on the Vermee idea. What really satisfies me is that u guys already know about about this, and this idea is one of my lifelong dreams ever since the dawn of this idea a few years back. Since the "ear-arm" is an <b>original idea of my own creation that no one ever thought of</b> (for all those years<img src="http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/smilies/clap.gif" border="0">), I wanted this potent and equisite idea to go to the people who matter the most to me, Neopets. I feel  extreamly proud.<img src="http://images.neopets.com/neoboards/smilies/grin.gif" border="0"></p>

Latest revision as of 04:26, 6 March 2015

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Lenny Ballerina.png

???EUKARYOTES???; ???EUKARYOTA???; ?OPISTHOKONTA?; ?OPISTHOKONTS?; ?Holozoans?; Filozoans; ANIMALIA; animals; metazoans; Subkingdom Eumetazoa; BILATERIANS; Deuterostomia; Deuterostomes; chordata; chordates; Subphylum Cephalochordata; Craniates; vertebrates; Vertebrata; Gnathostomata; Gnathostomes; TELEOSTOMI; TELEOSTOMES; Osteichthyes; Sacropterygians; Crossopterygii; Sacropterygii; Rhipidistia; Tetrapodomorpha; tetrapods; tetrapoda; Reptiliomorpha; Amniotes; Amniota; sauropsida; Sauropsids; Eureptilia; Romeriida; Romeriids; diapsida; diapsids; Neodiapsida; Archosauromorphs; Archosauromorpha; Archosauriformes; Crurotarsi; Archosauria; archosaurs; Avemetatarsalia; Ornithodira; Dinosauromorphs; Dinosauromorpha; Dinosauriformes; DINOSAURIA; dinosaurs; Saurischia; theropods; theropoda; Neotheropoda; Averostra; Tetanurans; tetanurines; Tetanurae; Orionides/Avifilopluma; Avetheropoda/Neotetanurae; Coelurosaurians; coelurosaurs; Tyrannoraptora; Maniraptoriformes; maniraptora; maniraptors; Chuniaoae/Aviremigia; Chuniaoans; paraves; Paravians; Eumaniraptora; Superfamily Troodontoidea/Saurornithoididae/Elopterygidae; Troodontidae;

{{{1}}} Score: {{{2}}} Moves: {{{3}}}

Flotsam Democracy!

ENLIL.jpg ussat.gif satak_.gif sathi_.gif satusmexf.gif satuscamf.gif satusbrzf.gif satuscsamf.gif satuseurf.gif satisafrsf.gif satusmidef.gif satusindiaf.gif satusasiaf.gif satusaustf.gif satusnzldf.gif